I crinkle my nose. “Yes, but…I’m ready for a jog now.”

“I’ll tell you what,” he says with a grin. “Let's get ready for bed and put a movie on while we cuddle.”

I sigh. “Okay, if you insist.”

He kisses my forehead. I don’t know what his game is, but it worries me slightly. Maybe his game is to try to deny me as much as he can. When he goes to shower, I sneak into the bathroom and rearrange his towel and clothes like a dick and balls. Then I sneak out.

I’m in my nightie in bed when he comes out, whistling a soft tune. He doesn’t say anything about his towel, but he’s dressed and slips into bed next to me. I reach down, but he doesn’t react, so I stop.

“There’s a nice romantic suspense on,” he says, flicking through the channels. He sets the tv remote down and settles back. I rest on his chest, and we fall asleep as we watch the movie.

We stop at a gas station on the road, and I’m in a cute little sun dress. Making sure no one else is around, I bend down in front of him, as seductively as I can manage, but he skirts around me and carries on walking. Slightly embarrassed, I straighten up and glower at him. He’s making me chase him.

I, too, can play this game. He doesn’t understand how well. When we’re in the car driving again, I let a dress strap fall from my shoulder, and I leave it there, waiting for him to notice.

When he doesn’t say anything, I drop the other one and fan myself. “It sure is hot.”

“Let me turn up the AC for you,” he comments, reaching for the dial. I don’t say anything but stare at him for a moment. He has to be messing with me.

We stop at another hotel, and I walk around in my underwear, trying to act cool, but he doesn’t comment again. It’s driving me insane. Why can’t I turn my husband on?

We sleep together again, and I try touching him while he sleeps, but he turns over and moves my hand away. Not even in his sleep can I get some nookie.

Back on the road, I wear a crop top and extra short shorts, showing a lot of leg. “There’s a waterfall on a side road up ahead.”

“We’re not going swimming,” he says. “We need to get to the next hotel. We already stopped twice more than I said we would, and we’re running behind.

I pout. “But I can cool off under the waterfall.”

“You’ll have to make do,” he says.

When we pull into a gas station, I stand near him. “I can’t take it anymore. I’m too hot.”

I open my water bottle and hold it above me, letting the water flow over my chest and down my body. It’s cold, and I shiver slightly, but Frankie just chuckles. “People are watching.”

I see the cashier inside watching me with hungry eyes, and I blush. I rummage through my bag and grab a towel. I dry myself off and get back into the car, beetroot red in the face.

Chapter 30 - Frankie

I take our luggage up to the room of our last hotel. It’s the last stop before we get to the next destination, and I know Amelia is trying her best to seduce me. To be honest, it’s comical how hard she is trying, but some of the things she’s doing are also driving me wild. I’ve masturbated more than once in the shower because of her.

I don’t just want to give in, though. I want that passion to build up. I want the next time for us to be like fireworks, and I want her to have such an itch that when I scratch it, she’ll never think of another man for the rest of her life.

I am teasing her, though. I don’t know if she’s noticed. I walk around the hotel room in tight jocks and nothing else. I sleep half naked with my arms around her, my dick pressed against her ass.

As I pull my shirt off, Amelia cries, “Okay, enough torturing me.”

I lower my shirt and look at her. “What’s wrong?”

“I want you, Frankie. I want you inside of me. Is that what you want to hear?” she glares at me. “I am so ready to ride you. It’s not funny, and you haven’t even looked at me once. No matter what I do.”

I chuckle. “What were you trying to do?”

“To seduce you, am I not sexy?” she pouts and crosses her arms.

I smirk. “You’ve been very sexy, but I am a very patient man.”

She stares at me, and I lean down to kiss her softly. “Why don’t you let me seduce you?”