I thrusted the phone at Clash before wiping a few pesky tears out of my eyes.

Clash took the phone, frowning when he saw the visual emotion leaking down my face.

“Yeah? Don’t worry, Sabbath. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

He hung up the phone, staring at me like he was trying to find the right words to say.

Before he could say anything, I held up my hand, silencing him.

“The only words I want to hear are your grunts and moans. I’ve never been with two men before, and if you’re both down, then I want to pop that cherry with both of you.”

Snyder and Clash looked at each other and grinned before Clash piped in with, “Fuck yeah, baby girl. Get on your knees and assume the position because we’re ready to fulfill whatever damn fantasy you have.”

“Good. Because my fantasies are just beginning.” I looked at the two men with a devious smile before dropping on all fours. “Now the big question is… which one of you is going to do me first?”

Chapter Two


I wasn’t sure why I was so damn lucky, because somehow, I managed to find myself in the best situation ever. I had a sneaking suspicion that Snyder was up to no good and taking advantage of Shasta’s vulnerable state, I just didn’t realize that I would get the opportunity to take advantage of it as well.

Blackmail wasn’t my first weapon of choice, but when the opportunity arises, you take it by the balls and squeeze. And I was ready to unload every drop of cum I had in these balls into Shasta if she let me.

Snyder shot me a wary look. But I wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity, not when Sabbath’s queen was serving herself up on a silver platter.

“I think since you two have been playing around all night, I should get first shot.”

Snyder’s eyes narrowed.

“Hey, Bud, it’s only fair.” I held up my hands and grinned.

“I don’t want you to touch her.”

“Ah… but you see, she wants me to touch her, and I think that’s all that matters right now.”

Snyder’s gaze fell to Shasta’s backside, and what a beautiful backside it was. Her dark tresses were hanging down her back so sexily that my dick was harder than a ball peen hammer right now. I couldn’t wait to fist those locks, wrap them around my hand, and tug her beautiful body against me while I fucked her senseless from behind.

“It’s okay, Snyder. If this is the only way to get him to shut up, I don’t mind offering myself up to him. Besides, I told you, I want to stick it to Sabbath. A fuck for every girl he’s cheated on me with.”

I blew out a breath. “That’s a lot of fucks, baby girl.”

A frown quickly replaced the smile on her face. “I know,” she whispered, a few pained-filled tears threatening to take over her eyes. And even though I was a self-proclaimed asshole, it still hurt to see her hurting like that.

Lifting her chin, I brought her beautiful brown eyes up to mine, making sure she could see me.

“He doesn’t know what he has, baby girl.”

At the same time, Snyder came up behind her, cradling her against his body. “He’s right. Sabbath is an idiot for doing anyone other than you. Your pussy is perfection.”

He shot me a smug look over her shoulder, and I threw up my middle finger, making sure she didn’t see it when she closed her eyes in ecstasy as he kissed her neck.

But I made sure that asshole could take in every glorious inch of the fuck you I was sending his way.

Smirking, he threw one back at me, both of us doing our best to share our prize that should’ve been treasured alone and hidden away.

I felt like an angry dragon, sitting on a pile of gems and rubies, refusing to let anyone else touch the precious stones and gems I had gathered and hoarded over the years. Except Shasta was more like a diamond—a precious piece of clear stone that needed to be handled with the utmost care and treasured for her value. Yeah, Sabbath definitely didn’t know what he had, but Snyder and I both knew exactly what we were handling and weren’t about to throw it away like Sabbath had.

“Are you sure about this, Shasta? He’s kind of a dick.”