I shrugged. “It would be someone else, but getting her alone is proving to be rather difficult.”

“True. She won’t even be in a room alone with me anymore,” Snyder agreed.

We both sighed, drinking from our beers again.

“Damn. Was she really that good?”

“Yes,” we said in unison.

We both glared at each other again.

“Get the fuck out of my head, Snyder.”

He rolled his eyes. “Like I’d want to be in your head. It’s probably full of Cheese Whiz, pictures of your mom, and empty space.”

“Damn it, stop bringing my mom into this shit.” I stood up, ready to throw down, but Sandman stopped me.

“Come on, Clash, he was just joking.”

“Says you,” Snyder said, that smug smile appearing behind his beer that he was nursing.

I sat back down in my chair, but not before kicking his foot under the table.

“Ow, what the fuck was that for?”

“For existing.”

Sandman looked between the two of us, his brow creasing with confusion. “So, what’s going to happen if Sabbath finds out?”

“He’s not going to find out,” Snyder cut in.

“Keep telling yourself that. Especially with Mouth over here blabbing your shit all over the place.”

“She doesn’t want anything to do with us anymore, so the likelihood of it getting out is slim to none, even with his big mouth running amok,” Snyder said, only shrugging his good shoulder.

“I take offence to that.”

“As you should. It was meant to be an insult.”

“How’s your shoulder and arm doing?” Sandman asked, noticing the tiny wince Snyder tried to hide.

“Well, if people would stop shooting it, I’d probably be fine.”

“We need to put you in a bubble. A bulletproof one,” I said slyly, knowing he would get pissed.

“Yeah, whatever.”

“So, what was it like?” Sandman asked, looking more intrigued than he should for a man that just got dumped.

“Fucking amazing. Like everything we pictured. The girl is up for anything.”

“Yeah? How so?”

“Well, she sucked me off while I was on the phone with Sabbath.”

“No shit?” Sandman’s eyes widened.

“And we had a threesome.”