He’s right. And I’m not either.

“I’m just afraid this is all going to come crashing down tomorrow.”

He pushes the hair from my eyes and kisses me softly. Always leaving me wanting more and more. “I promise, I’m in this for the long haul. I love you, Delia.”

My chest warms. “I love you, too.”

The words are said and now all that’s left is action.

He plants an arm next to my shoulder and uses his hand to seat himself at my entrance, but then stills. “Condom?”

I freeze. “I can’t have kids.” I give him theCliffs Notesversion of my issues.


“Well, never say never but the chances aren’t good.”

“Then I guess it’s just you and me.”

“You’re sure?”

He sighs. “There are other options if you want—adoption, surrogacy, fostering. Having a baby doesn’t make you a mom, loving a child does.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“I know what I want you to say…”

His teeth pull at the tender drop of my ear. “More…tell me you want more…”

He drives deep into my body and I arch my back at the pressure.

“Holy shit!” I breathe quick and shallow. “Give me a second.”

“You okay?”

“Yeah.” I move and calm my body, and then I feel it. The pulsing need. The desire that’s deep seated inside of me. “More, Joel. I need more.”

“I’ll give it all to you, sweetheart.”

Our bodies instinctively know each other’s. We move in unison. Every moment stretching on until my body coils tight like a yo-yo and I’m at the top of the swing and when I breathe in deep, my body bursts into a thousand pieces inside. Fireworks sizzle inside of me as Joel continues to thrust through the pulsing that’s gripping his cock.

“Delia!” he calls out and I know he’s met his own release. He plants deep and there’s something about it that just feels…different. Real. And powerful.

He’s mine and I never thought I’d ever have this kind of moment again in my life.

He kisses me gently. “You good?”

“So good.” I push on his shoulders, keeping him nestled inside of me. “And I want more, honey.”

I rock my body along his cock. And we’re off to the races again.



Deliaand my father are watching Formul-1 qualifying for tomorrow’s race in the living room. I swear they only watch for the crashes. And since they don’t root for the same team, they’ve taken to betting. Currently they’re up to $100 for this race and I’m going to insist it stop there. I love competition, don’t get me wrong, but I have plans for our money and I pat my jeans pocket reminding myself what those plans include.

It’s been two months since we started going out—well, we rarely go out. The woman is a sex kitten. I swear I’ve been severely dehydrated lately from excessive seminal fluid release. But she seems to want it even more these days. She says she’s just making up for lost time. I think she regrets that she wasn’t more receptive in high school, but maybe what we’ve been through is what we need.