“No, it’s just not a good fit for me. Please notify my supervisors. Thank you,” she replies, rushing through her response.

Another pause.

“Alright, I’ll make sure to let everyone know. Sorry that we couldn’t work something out, June,” she replies in a surprisingly human way.

I hang up the phone before June is able to say anything else. Her disappearance from her company is less suspicious now, but she could say anything that would tip them off about her true location. I have no reason to trust her.

“Okay, so my entire career is fucked. You’re welcome. Now what?” she says angrily. “I have no idea how I’m going to support myself now. I’ll have to move back in with my mom.”

I absolutely hate how much she complains. She’s got to be one of the most annoying people I’ve ever met. What was it about her that had me so transfixed five years ago?

“You’d better get used to staying with me because I still don’t want to kill you. Now that my enemies know you’re affiliated with me, they might want to kill you too. You’re safer here than anywhere,” I say as I remove her restraints from the chair and help her up.

“Oh, thank fucking god that you’re so gracious to let me stay with you! You’re such a hero! You should be canonized!” she shouts, raising her voice to me for the first time since this ordeal started.

“You could have been skinned alive if I hadn’t saved you. You could have been electrocuted by your fucking nipples just for fun, so maybe you should be just a little bit more grateful to me. None of this is my fault. I’m doing this out of human decency,” I respond defensively.

“Whatever! Why is your country so fucked up anyway? Why are there men who kidnap drunk girls from off the streets to torment them?!” she responds as I grab her wrists and lead her out of the room.

I can already feel a permanent headache beginning to form behind my eyes. Taking this girl in was a huge mistake, and it’s something I can’t undo. I have to see this through even if I want to kill myself the entire time.

“God, you’re so fucking annoying,” I growl under my breath, slamming the door behind me as I lead her back up to my bedroom.

“You didn’t feel that way five years ago when you were fucking me raw,” she spits, standing still in her tracks and looking me right in the eyes.

“Yeah, well, five years is a long time, and it seems like time hasn’t done you any favors, sweetheart,” I reply.

She scoffs at me, glaring at me as hard as she can despite how soft and unintimidating her face is. “You’re unbelievable.”

It’s kind of endearing the way she’s trying so hard to make herself seem more imposing than she actually is, but I can’t allow her to sink her claws into me. Having sex with her was one thing, but that was a lifetime ago. It doesn’t matter now. We might as well be two completely different people.

I didn’t know her then, and I certainly don’t know her now.

Her motivations for having sex with me in the past can be called into question. I’ve been trying as hard as I can to remember every interaction we had that led up to the moment we fucked. She was beautiful, of course. I was smitten by her the second I saw her.

But what did we talk about?

Could I have given something away without knowing?

I curse myself for allowing my brain to go on autopilot for an entire day while I chased a woman back to her hotel room. If I had just kept myself a little more diligent about what I said, maybe we wouldn’t be in this position at all.

“I’m unbelievable? Do I need to remind you who you were with last night when I found you? Everything I’m doing is a precaution. I’m trying to keep you from getting killed. Now that you’ve been affiliated with me, you’re a target. Welcome to the game,” I say with resignation.

She turns her body away from me, choosing to silently express that she doesn’t give a fuck about what I’m saying at all. She has no respect for me whatsoever, and it’s becoming increasingly apparent the longer we’re stuck together.

Even still, I can’t take my eyes off her body. The dress she’s wearing from last night might be dirty and torn now, but the way it clings to her curves reminds me of all the reasons I pursued her in the first place. Now I can clearly remember the day we spent together as I tried desperately to contain myself around her radiant beauty.

Five years hasn’t affected that beauty in the slightest, and I’d even say that it’s made her even more attractive to me in a sort of knowing, mature way. She isn’t the girl she was back then, and I’d let her show me all the tricks she’s learned in that time.

When I remember the dress she wore on our first date and the way the sun hit her hair from behind, I can feel my cock getting slightly hard.

I refuse to acknowledge my arousal at all, no matter how much I want to give into it. She’s still technically a prisoner of mine, and I can’t give her any kind of access to me that isn’t necessary for our survival. Not to mention, the way she’s behaving now is irritating the fuck out of me.

It would serve me better to find a different place to hide her, somewhere that she can’t distract me with her body or her ungrateful, irreverent attitude. I’ve gotten myself into an absolute mess by rescuing her, and I can already tell that her presence in my life is going to throw me completely out of equilibrium.
