Page 17 of Sinful Desire

But I lap her up and swallow down every delicious drop of nectar she gives me.

“Archer!” A sob tears her breath apart, and when she comes again, she whimpers and gives up on fighting. “Oh god, Archer.”

“Not done.”

I pull back and lick my lips clean, then unsnapping my jeans and tossing my belt to the side, I shove the denim down to reveal my cock, seeping from the tip and begging for her attention.

I intend to pick her up and plop her onto my lap. To fill her up and make use of every inch of her body. But before I get the chance, Minka crawls onto her knees and rests on her elbows. Then she takes my cock between her lips and fucking wrecks me.

I throw my head back and bark out a cry of desperation. Pleasure and pain. I push my hand into her hair and barely stop myself from shoving her down until I fill her throat.

I want her to take all of me. But I cannot—I refuse to—hurt her.


I drop my head back and close my eyes. But with every bob of her head, my hand goes along for the ride. Up and down. Fast, then slow. She laps me up, and bites now and then to remind me I’m not fucking with a weak woman.

“Jesus,” I hiss when she cups my balls and glides her finger along the bottom. “Fuck, Minka.”

She’s half-dressed. Her heels are still on, but her dress bunches in the middle as her breasts hang free of her bra, and her panties sit askew. But the cab of my truck is too small for me to take full advantage. For me to lay her out and eat up every inch she gives me.

“Babe.” My throat is dry, the word hoarse.

Extracting my hand from her hair and letting her work me at her own pace, I trace my palm along her spine and over to cup her ass.

I’d spank her if I could. Make her cheek red and her pussy pulse for more. Hitting is gone for us, off the menu, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take other parts of her body. Doesn’t mean I can’t explore. And touch. Taste.

My orgasm teeters on the edge of insanity, throbbing, taunting me with the chaos that comes after. I trail my fingers to Minka’s pussy and coat them in her own pleasure, then I bring those wet fingers back and trace around her asshole.

Instantly, she freezes and squeaks out in surprise.

But she’s not saying no. She’s not skittering away and slapping my touch from her body.

So I use my free hand to guide her head, to restart her movements and bring me closer to my peak. Then I slip a single digit inside her ass, and bite down on my grunt when she spasms under my touch and her teeth grow tighter around me.


A menacing promise.

“You like that, huh?” I don’t plunge deeper; instead, I slowly retract, circling, teasing. “You fucking like it.”

“Archer.” Her breath comes out on a sob. Uncontrollable. Desperate. “Shit.”

“Come here.” I cup her jaw and pull her glassy gaze up to me. Her throat stretches and bends. Her eyes dance, and her lips glisten.

With me. With what she does to me.

“Fuck, Minka. You have no clue how you call to me.” Pulling her up so my cock pops free and drops back to tap my hip, I drag Minka into my lap and make quick work of positioning her legs on either side of my thighs.

We’ve already broken the law. We’re already gonna be arrested for indecent exposure if we’re caught. So what the fuck do we have to lose now by finishing?


But if we stop, I might never feel truly satiated ever again.

Fisting my length and squeezing hard enough to draw a groan along my throat, I wrap one arm around Minka’s torso, then I lift her up and use the other hand to line up beneath her. The tip of my dick touches her warmth, an inferno between her legs that drips with want. Then I lower her down so she swallows me up, and our twin cries fill the limited space inside the cab.

“Shit.” I breathe through my pending orgasm, fight it back before I lose myself too soon, then I grit my teeth when her pussy clamps around me.