Page 61 of Sinful Desire

“Is she here?” I tap his shoulder and bring his attention around. “Is she in the building?”

He nods, but he doesn’t speak out loud to me. “I can meet with you now.” He checks the clock on the wall. “I have twenty minutes. But that’s—” He pauses again to listen. “Yes. Twenty minutes. If you’re unable to be flexible with me in this stage of our dealings, then perhaps we won’t be a good fit anyway… alright.” He nods after a moment of silence. “I’m finishing up here and will be down in a moment. Wait for me.”

Hanging up, he draws a deep breath and drops his hands into his pockets. “Today is exhausting.”

“Let’s go.” I clap his shoulder and head toward the door. “We can take a break. Our shift ended an hour ago, so there’s no reason we shouldn’t take a breather. It’ll help us refocus, and you need to sort out your nanny situation.”

Heading into the pit and closing the war room door at our backs, I lead the way to the escalators, but I fall back so Fletch can take us the rest of the way. We follow the lines of foot traffic through the building and come out on the bottom level, but instead of heading toward the lobby, Fletch moves in the direction of the nursery.

“She’s over here,” he murmurs, though I don’t ask. “She said she’d hang out by the kids’ area and get a look at Mia.”

“Why? She so fucking grouchy and nasty, she’s gotta approve the kid too?” Temper lights in my blood at the thought of anyone judging my toddler-bestie. “I already don’t like this chick.”

“Pickings are kinda slim around here.” He nods in greeting when another cop passes us. “Few women wanna be on call twenty-four-seven to look after a kid at the salary I’m offering.”

Emerging into the final hall before the daycare, Fletch skids on his feet when we find a woman in skyscraper heels and a skirt short enough to make him stare a little longer than legal. She waits by the door and smiles for the teachers who hang with the kids all day long.

“That’s not her, right?” I hit Fletch’s arm with my elbow when he stares. “Fletch?”

“Oh, Detective Fletcher?” The woman turns to face us. Long,longlegs, strong thighs, trim waist, and a slightly larger than natural chest. She’s a centerfold, right here in the middle of a cop shop. “You’re Detective Fletcher, right?” She charges forward with her hand extended. “Lori Pendergast.”

“You’reMs. Pendergast?” Fletch shakes her hand in shock—lust-covered shock—so I step forward for introductions. “The prospective nanny?”

“Yes, Detective. And you must be Archer Malone?”

I narrow my eyes and study her cherry red lips. Her golden-flecked eyes. Her long hair, tied in a sleek ponytail. “I am. Nice to meet you.”

“Hm.” Her lips curl into a forced grin. “Likewise.” Then she looks to Fletch. “This meeting was supposed to take place approximately nine hours ago, Detective Fletcher. Can we start?”

“Er…” He looks down at her legs. Her waist. Her body. And I guess that’s the end of it.

Decision made.

Taking a step back, I wave them both off. “I’m going home to eat. I’ll catch up with you in a bit, Fletch.” Then I nod for the new nanny. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around, Ms. Pendergast.”


Music inside Tim’s bar is always on. Always loud. The lights are always low, and the hands that brush from one body to the next are gentle. Discreet. Some men look at me. Some even smile. Others might send a drink my way, but always,always, that attention goes away with a single look from Timothy Malone.

He doesn’t want me. But he won’t let anyone else have me.

“Hi!” A guy I don’t know slides onto the stool beside me so his thigh touches my leg and his shoulder brushes mine. He glances down, studying me from the corner of his eyes, as a slow smirk curls his lips up. “How’s it going?”

I lift the one drink I’ve allocated for myself tonight and smile. “It’s going alright. And you?”

“Better now.” Turning my way, he offers a hand and waits patiently for me to reciprocate the gesture. “Colin. And you are?”

“Unavailable.” Like mist in the night, Tim slides to our end of the bar and sets his fists on the mahogany top. He stares into Colin’s eyes and barely stops short of snarling. “Move along, Cop.”

“I am available, actually.” I smile for Tim, then I twist on my stool and shake Colin’s hand. “My name’s Aubree. You’re a police officer?”

He pumps my hand once. Twice. Three times to the sound of Tim’s gnashing teeth. “I’m a new transfer.” Then he tilts his head toward a still-watching Tim. “Boyfriend?”

I bark out a taunting laugh. “No. He’s my brother. Protective to the point of irrational.” I nod toward a booth on the far side of the room. “We can hang out over there if you want. Ya know, away from the angry bartender who can’t get his head on straight.”

“Go over there with her,” Tim growls at the poor guy, “You’ll leave with two broken legs.”

“Timothy!” Mock gasp. Hand on my chest. Itut-tut-tutand waggle my finger in his direction. “Didn’t you know it’s illegal to threaten a cop?”