Page 5 of Bewitched

Her eyes are glued to mine. "Even though it wasn't my first kiss, it was still something special to me. You are something special to me." I lean forward to take her lips and this time instead of not knowing what to do or being shy she kisses me back.

When I finally pull back and remember what I am supposed to be doing her lips are swollen and glistening making me wonder what her bottom lips will look like when I spend time kissing them. Will they grow soft and puffy like the ones on her face seem to do? I bet they will. I run my thumb over her bottom lip thinking about doing the same between her thighs.

I make my phone call and get in touch with not only my partner but my captain too. They are sending units and I make sure they knew to come in without the sirens and lights. The longer we can keep our presence unknown the better for the hostages. And us.

"Come on, baby. I need to go back inside and try to keep us hidden long enough to let my partner in. Do you think you can come with me? I promise to keep you safe."

"I know you will. I don't want to be left. I'm probably safer with you than waiting for you somewhere."

And she's smart too!

Chapter Six



We go back to the garden and sneak through the flowerbeds trying to get closer to the house. Before we make it to the balcony Cooper wants to use as an entrance back into the house, we see movement from inside the house. In the blink of an eye, Cooper has me pulled into a shed of some kind.

It's a really nice shed, made of brick with windows and plenty of places to hide. He pulls me behind a shelf, pushing me into a corner and covering me with his body. I have to tell myself sternly that he’s not trying to do anything but protect me. I could totally lie and myself that he wants to be this close to me, that he is doing it for reasons other than just being a good, decent human being.

Outside the shed, we hear the sounds of someone walking toward us. I gasp and Cooper's hand comes up to cover my mouth.

"I can't believe this shit! This guy better be paying us a shitload of money to come out here at this time of night with all these people bitching and bellyaching about being a little inconvenienced by us. Rich fuckheads!"

"Stop your griping, Earl. John says the guy's good for it. We find the fucking thing and we will all be on easy street."

"What are they looking for?" I mouth the question not daring to speak out loud. If we can hear them, they could hear us. He shakes his head telling me he doesn't have a guess any more than I do.

He stretches over me so he can look out of a high window right above us. I try to hug the wall even tighter, so he doesn't think I'm being a perv or anything. He turns his attention back to me and leans in close so that his mouth is right by my ear.

"Two of them look like they might be outside taking a smoke break. They still have guns so there's no rushing them the way I did with the one in my jeep. It looks like we're stuck here until they smoke them down and head back inside."

I'm sure it's just my imagination, Cooper can't really be nuzzling into my neck while trying to talk to me about the men right outside. Surely, I have to be having some sort of break from reality because of the stress of the situation. Right? But he doesn't take his mouth away from my neck area when he's done talking. Instead, he lingers there...nuzzling. What the hell?

"Are you...?"

"Shh, we have to keep quiet so they don't come looking for us." He follows his words up with a nip to the soft skin under my ear.

I yelp but he brings his hand up to my mouth in time to catch it. But he doesn't take his mouth away like I expect him to. Instead, he runs what I think is his tongue down until he's come to where the strap on my dress crosses my shoulder. And adds his knee to the situation. He uses it to spread my thighs and wedge it in between my legs.

"What are you doing?" His hand is still very much over my mouth so the words come out muffled and sound more like some weird spell I might be mumbling.

This time he doesn't shush me, "Well I figure you might be scared that the guys with guns are so close." He pauses and looks at me with those scorching hot eyes of his causing me to nod my consent before he returns to kissing down my neck and across my shoulder. "And I figured having to be quiet and wait for them to leave is kind of scary too."

He gives me those eyes yet again. I nod even more this time.

"So I thought I might take your mind off things by showing you how hot I think you are."

"How hot?" I must say it too loud because he's back to shushing me. This time I lean closer to him and whisper back. "Are you just saying that in hopes of seeing my boobs?"

It's his turn to pull back until both of us are now separated and staring at one another. "No. You don't say shit like that to virgins just so they'll give you what you want. That makes you a douchebag. And I like to think I’m anything but a douche."

"I...I just thought..." My face burns with a blush from hell. Shit, not only did I offend this guy who is trying to save everyone - a freakin' hero - and I compare him to a lowlife but I also overstep and just assume he's...after more when he...was. Great. This is why I don't date, why I don't go out with people my age, why I should be looking into adopting that first cat - the old cat lady starter kit.

"Don't get me wrong, angel. I want to see you naked. I want that very badly. But I want you to be ready for that. Not me to force it on you or seduce you into it."

My mouth is open. I can't help it. Not only did he just tell me he wanted with me but he also told me he wasn't going to push for more. He is so unlike anyone I have ever met before. Most people push to get what they want, especially if they think it will be easy to do it.