Page 92 of House Rules



Another two weekspass before my brother is transferred to the sober home I found for him. After relentless paperwork and phone calls, the approval finally went through. His probation officer secured a plea bargain where Ethan will be able to stay in a sober home. When he's clean and stable, he'll go back to court for his final conviction and sentencing. He may face more jail time, but I know for a fact, good behavior and following treatment protocols will work in his favor.

I let his probation officer handle telling him. I didn't want the wrath of his anger, nor should our mother have to deal with it. Knowing Ethan, a sober home is not his ideal choice. He'd rather spend his time in jail, getting quick fixes off who knows who or what. But, it's time.

Five years is a long time to live with addiction. A long time to put your body through the havoc of those drugs. It's time he gets the help he needs... even if it's by force.

My mother thanked me endlessly and flew out with my father to see Ethan on his day of arrival. All I hope is the visit goes well, though I have doubts.

As far as Sharon and Max go, my lawyer informed me that Max will be due in court to face charges over attempted kidnapping. He can't leave the state, but an automatic no contact order was drawn up. He's not allowed any contact with either Emma, or me.

A no contact order was also issued against Sharon, as she isn't allowed to be near Emma or me. According to the statement, the judge made it clear it would be best if she went back to Florida, seeing she can't stay away from me for too long.

I haven't spoken to Emma since I sent her the text. I should've spoken to her face to face, but I know my control would've slipped.

The time with her is unlike anything I've ever had, but is it worth the risk? The risk of getting burnt again?

Especially after dealing with everything that's happened lately and how everyone in the office seems to know about us. I need time and space.

It's my fault. If I hadn't given in to temptation... if I had stayed away... I knew it was a bad idea this entire time... yet, I couldn't keep my dick in my pants to save my life.

A part of me wants to ask Em if she's okay, if she's hanging in there, but I keep my distance. I'm afraid she'll draw me in again or even worse, shun me.

The few times we did walk by each other, it's as if she didn't notice meā€”like two ships passing in the night. The worst part is how she looked. Sad, pale, and tired. Her face slimmed down, her clothes baggy. Her usual happy aura was tainted, in its place a sad, lonely woman. I craved to reach out and touch her, comfort her. But, I knew I'd never let go if I did.

There were a few days here and there she was out of the office, something about a stomach bug going around. Hopefully, it's not one I caused.

I push Emma out of my thoughts as I gather my things on my desk, another day done.


"I don't know,Sarah. I don't feel right lately. My stomach is off." I watch Sarah as she chops up veggies for our lunch. Salad is on the menu but right now, I can barely choke down my tea.

Sarah wipes her hand on a dishtowel before sipping her wine. "Hmm. You don't think it's a stomach virus?"

"Wouldn't that be over by now? It's been a month since I began feeling this way." My eyes flick over to Sarah's calendar, the bright orange letters of October shine back at me. Jeez, where did September go? Have I been lost in a haze that long?

Pushing through the trenches day after day as I try to forget Knox and the attack.

Sarah raises an eyebrow, her mouth pulled into a thin line. "You'd be surprised how long a norovirus can take to run through your system. Some people get it worse than others."

"Maybe. It's weird. Some days I'm perfectly fine, maybe a hint of nausea here and there, while other days I can't keep my head out of the toilet. And God, now I have no energy to do anything..." Sarah gasps and I abruptly stop talking.

"What? Did you cut yourself?" I stand to go check for blood but Sarah's shaking her head as she watches me.

"Em, when is the last time you got your period?"

"What? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Seriously, Em. Can you remember the last time you got your period?" I grip the counter as I think. I walk to Sarah's fridge where the calendar is hanging. I rack my brain. I began feeling sick at the beginning of September, and the last time I remember getting my period was in the summer...

"Fuck!" My hand flies up to my mouth.

Sarah rushes next to me, "What?"

"I can't remember my last period... the last time I recall was in July sometime."