Page 87 of House Rules

He drew me in, gave me hope, gave me amazing sex, and then ran. Again.

I didn't even answer him back. I called Sarah and burst into tears as soon as she answered.

I went straight to her house, thankful for my overnight bag being in my car instead of leaving it at Knox's.

I drowned my sorrows in cheap wine and ice cream as I cried, the tears spilling down my cheeks.

Sarah finally was able to peel me off of her couch and tuck me in her bed.

I'm being punished.

I broke the rules and have been let down twice by the same man.

I should've listened to my mother and followed the rules, and then I wouldn't have ended up like this.

A sobbing pathetic mess on Sarah's couch.

I'm never breaking those rules again.


I checkmy phone and see ten missed calls from my mom. What in the hell?

I shoot off a quick text to her before hopping in the shower. I'm out the door a half hour later, in need of coffee. Several texts have come through in the short span of me getting ready, both Jane and my mother, upset over Ethan.

Apparently, a phone call came through from the jail this morning, news of my brother getting beat up. He was taken to the hospital due to extensive internal bleeding and bruising. My mother is beside herself with worry and they refuse to let her know which hospital he's at. Something about paperwork not being completed in order to release information. I'll get to the bottom of it before the day is over.

All of my other problems are put on hold. My mother needs me right now and I promised her I'd be there for her.

Pulling into a local coffee shop, I ease into a parking spot and kill the engine. I scroll through the messages again, both my mother and Jane frantic with worry. A new message from Faye, the office receptionist pops up, and I click it open.

As I release a breath, a sense of relief and dread fills me. I'm happy to help my mom, but I'm afraid of what Ethan has gotten himself into. I text my mom that I'm grabbing coffees and I'll be over.

* * *

Arrivingat my mom's twenty minutes later, I pull in behind Jane's car. I brace myself for the drama storm headed my way. The drinks are heavy and I hold the tray tightly, not wanting any to topple over.

The door bursts open before I have a chance to knock. "Knox!" My mother pulls me in for a tight hug. It's like she hasn't seen me in months, instead of days.

Jane comes up beside her, lifting the drink tray from my hands while my mom pushes me back, admiring my face. She pats my shoulders and then moves aside. I follow Jane into the kitchen as she places the drinks on the island.

The three of us slide onto bar stools, grabbing our drinks and a muffin from the freshly baked stack sitting in a basket on the counter.

"Start from the beginning." I say, looking at both of them.

My mother launches into her side of the story, how she got woken up by the phone call and how they refused to give any more details. We don't know how badly he's hurt or how the fight occurred. She wanted to call the hospital to get details, but they refused to give her any.

"This is absolute bullshit. He needs to get his shit together already." Jane says, her breath coming in spurts. She clenches her drink as if she's going to pop the lid off.

Our mom glances between us, her anxious eyes darting back and forth. It's a tough position for her to be in, put between her kids. Jane has no patience when it comes to Ethan. She's tired of his bull and wants Ma to stop enabling him.

On the other hand, she's not understanding mom's side enough. Ethan is her youngest child, her baby, and tough love is hard for her to give. It's not who she is. She's kind and caring; even if it gets her walked all over.

I try to stay neutral. Our father and our older sisters check themselves out, leaving Ma to panic and Jane to worry while getting pissed off at the situation. It's not easy and our family unit that once was solid tight, is now a loose knot, pieces beginning to unravel.

"Jane, relax, sis. Mom's trying to deal with not knowing exactly how Ethan is doing. She doesn't need to hear that."