Page 80 of House Rules



Knox arrivesat Sarah's ten minutes later. She fusses over me while we wait. "Are you sure you want to go? You feel up to it?"

I nod and pull her in for a hug. "Thanks for being there for me." I kiss her cheek as I lean back.

Sarah smiles as her eyes fill with tears. "I love you, Em."

"I love you too, S." We hug again. The doorbell rings and Sarah hurries to answer it.

I'm right behind her as she opens the door to Knox's handsome form leaning against the doorway.

Sarah puts her hand out for Knox to shake. "Nice to officially meet you. I'm Sarah, Em's trusty sidekick."

Knox chuckles and shakes her hand back. "It's nice to meet you as well. I'm Knox, Em's trusty co-worker."

"Thanks for saving her yesterday." Sarah steps back and Knox enters, his eyes locking on mine.

I melt as his gaze rakes over me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. My breathing hitches, my feet are rooted to the ground.

God, I've missed him looking at me like he's ready to devour me right here, right now.

"Ready to go?" Knox asks, as a boyish grin spreads across his face, his hands sliding into his pockets.

I nod and Sarah hands me my bag. I didn't notice she was holding it; she must've grabbed it while I was drooling over Knox.

"Be good you two. Knox, you take good care of her, okay?" Sarah gives me one last hug as she rubs my back. I breath in her comforting vanilla scent.

"I will. She's in good hands." Knox takes my bag. Sarah lets me go and we say our goodbyes. He takes my hand and leads me outside, the door closing behind us.

When he opens his truck door, I climb inside. The cab of the truck smells like him, a spicy, woodsy scent I've come to love.

Knox climbs in the other side and the truck roars to life.

Its good being back in his truck, a sweet comfort.

He backs out of Sarah's driveway before he reaches over and grasps my hand. It's warm and big as it covers my entire hand and then some. I look over and smile. My arm tingles from his touch as my heart pounds in my ears.

My face grows hot and I'm thankful for the darkness.

Knox flicks on the radio and a Pearl Jam song belts from the speakers.

"Good taste." I notice the radio is tuned to my favorite station and I grin to myself.

"I've got good taste in a lot of things." Knox throws me a wink, and I shake my head as I bite my lip to hold back a laugh.

He steers into his driveway a few minutes later. His apartment is actually a rental house. It's a small bungalow style home with two bedrooms and an open floor plan. He's lucky to have snagged this. It's perfect for one, complete with a backyard and garage.

The radio goes silent when Knox kills the engine.

"Thanks for coming over tonight." Knox whispers as he shifts his body to face me.

I face him; my belly swarms with butterflies at the thought of sleeping next to Knox tonight. "I didn't want to be alone, either. Granted, I had Sarah, but I couldn't exactly cuddle with her..." I break off before I say more. Who says he wants to cuddle?

"Cuddle? Is cuddling on the agenda tonight?" Knox runs his hand down the side of his face as he grins. I'll never tire of his handsome face, his gorgeous smile.

I wave my hand around, his question tripping me up. "I... I don't know... I was just..." Knox interrupts before I can finish.