Page 78 of House Rules

Jane drives me home,the car ride quiet. My mom and Jane got my truck earlier, and now Mom is waiting back at my apartment. I told Emma I'd call her later. We can talk things over. Right now, I need some food, a hot shower, and my bed. I feel like I've been awake for days.

"Emma seems like a nice woman." Jane says and I crack a smile. Here she goes.

"Yeah, she is one of a kind."

Jane cocks an eyebrow at me as she turns into my driveway. "One of a kind, huh?"

I nod and exit the car before she asks me anything else.

Our mother rushes out of the apartment as she runs towards me. "Knox! My baby. I was worried sick about you." She crushes me in one of those mom hugs.

"I'm okay Mom, really. I'm lucky to have you and Jane. Thanks."

Jane wraps her arms around me and my mom, and the three of us bask in the comfort of each other.

"Come on, let's get you inside."

Once inside, I make a beeline for the bathroom. I can't wait to strip and hop in the shower. After drowning my sorrows and all the nasty prison dirt, I put on my comfiest pajamas and make my way to the kitchen.

Jane says her goodbyes as she has a deadline to meet.

My mom makes me dish after dish of food and by the last one, I'm turning away food. She's an amazing cook and loves to keep me fed well.

"Are you sure you'll be fine alone?"

"Yes, Mom. I love you. I'll call you in the morning, okay?"

She nods and pulls me in for another hug. Jane and her love to give them on the regular and now I'm used to it.

"Love you, too, my boy. Sweet dreams." She rubs my cheek and turns for the door.

She's gone a moment later and I'm left in silence.

I shuffle to my bed, the exhaustion wearing me down. Once under the covers, I roll onto my back and will my eyes to close.

It's no use. I'm wide awake.

My phone chirps with a text and I grab it off my nightstand.

My stomach clenches. I would've killed that bastard if he hurt her.

The thought of his hands on her gnaws at me. I can't push it out of my head.

My heart pounds as the blood rushes to my ears. I need to see her. I don't want to be alone tonight. Her, here with me. That's what I want. Hell, I'd go to her.