Page 72 of House Rules

I turn away, unable to look at Knox as the officer helps me into the back of the cruiser.

The tears come down faster now as sobs take over my chest. I swallow the bile that rises in my throat.

It all happened so quickly. An innocent meet-up turns into something I never expected.

I hadn't heard from Max in a while. I should've known he'd be back. He always is. Hewent away too easy lasttime. A surefire sign he wasn't done with me.

Or, what about this Sharon woman?Knox said she's his ex-girlfriend and she claims they're not finished yet.

Is she the reason he's holding back? Does he still love her? Or is he afraid because of her?

My brain is like a hamster wheel in constant motion as all of these thoughts run through.

I frown and bite my lip as I think.

What a nightmare...

* * *

"What?You're at the police station?" Sarah shouts into the phone.

"Yes. I'll explain everything. Can you please come get me?"

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

I hand the phone back to the officer and I'm lead to a waiting area.

After two hours of questioning, they're finally releasing me but they wouldn't release any information about Knox.

All I know is that he's in a holding cell. Has his family been notified?

I curl up in one of the hard plastic chairs as I bring my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them.

The TV blares in the background, some cooking show about how to roast chicken. The last thing I care about right now is food. I'm craving a hot shower and my soft bed.

My mind drifts back to Knox. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be here. What if I'd been attacked alone? How long were those two planning something like this? Were they following us, waiting for just the right time to strike?

It doesn't make sense how they happened to be there.

What if Knox hadn't stopped Max? Would he have taken me somewhere where no one would've found me?

What if he tried to hurt me or rape me?

Stop, Emma. Stop. You can't ‘what if’ yourself to death. You'll drive yourself bonkers, you know this.

I close my eyes and shut off my thoughts to the best of my ability.

"Em?" Sarah's voice calls as she shakes my shoulder. I look up to see her smiling down at me, her eyes etched with worry.

I look around, a bit dazed. Shit, what time is it? I must've dozed off.

"Sorry it took me so long. The traffic was horrible getting into the city. Some summer concert shit. Are you ready to get the fuck out of here?"

I nod and rise as I arch my back. It's sore from the fall. Sarah threads her arm through mine and grabs my purse. "Come on, love."

After checking with the front desk, Sarah walks me to her car and helps me in. She hurries around the side, sliding into her seat with ease.

"Okay, girl. I've been worried sick. Spill it. First, are you okay?"