Page 71 of House Rules

Max on the ground, not moving.

Max's faceunrecognizable, blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

Sharon in hysterics as she talks to an officer.

Sharon's face bloody and bruised.

My heart slams in my chest. How in the hell did Sharon get hurt?

"He did it! He punched me and my brother pulled him off me! Then he attacked my brother!" Sharon wails as tears pour down her face.

"What?" I choke out. "I didn't hit her!"

"Quiet. We're trying to get the details on what happened." The officer pulls me towards thecop cruiser. My stomach sinks as my eyes scan the area.

"Where's Emma? I need to see her."

"She's over there with an officer. She's coming to now. We'll have her checked out."

Coming to?She must've passed out from the fall. God, what in the fuck is going on?

It'll be Sharon's word against mine. Fuck.

My eyes dart around. Someone must've seen what happened. There must be a witness I can talk to.

"Can't I find a witness to defend myself? I didn't hit her, officer. Please listen to me."

He opens the cop cruiser and shoves me inside before slamming the door.

"Please officer, please listen to me."

It's too late. He walks back to where Sharon and Max are, an ambulance now pulling in.

Fuck! What the hell is the matter with me?

Flashes of the past run through my head... his bloody, swollen face... my bloody, swollen knuckles.

I slam my head against the back seat.

Shit, what am I going to do?


"Where's Knox?I want to see him." I demand for the fifth time ,to the female officer standing in front of me.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't allow that right now. He's been arrested and will be taken in for questioning."

"What? Arrested? For what?"

"I can't disclose that information, ma'am. Let's get you cleaned up and over to the station."

A paramedic comes over with a stretcher. "Need help, miss?"

I nod. The female officer and paramedic help me onto the stretcher. After he looks meover, I'm led to a cop cruiser.

The ambulance with Sharon and Max inside drives off and I spot Knox in theother cruiser. His head rests onthebackseat which shields most of his face from me.

My chin quivers as I run my hands through my hair. Tears spill down the side of my face.