Page 68 of House Rules

"You're on."

I chug the last of my beer as the new ones arrive.

It's turning out to be a great night.


I drum my fingers onmy kitchen table as I wait for my sister to answer. I've tried calling her three times in a row and each time I get her voicemail, my patience wanes.

"Hello?" Melissa snaps into the phone,right when I think voicemail will pick up.

"Hey." I bite my tongue while I think of how to start. We haven't spoken since the last time I kicked her out and I'll admit, I'm still bitter over it.All I want is an apology. Is that so hard to ask of her?

"What do you need, Emma? I figured you'd get the hint I was busy when I didn't answer the first three times you called."

I grit my teeth. Don't feed into it.

"I want to know why you met Knox for coffee."

"What?" Melissa gasps. Ah-ha! Caught red handed, bitch.

"You heard me."

"I... I... I never met with Knox for coffee."

"Don't lie to me, Melissa.I know you did."

"How do you know? Did Knox tell you?"

"It doesn't matter how I know. The point is, I do know. And, I want to know why."

"It's none of your business."

"Yes, it is my business! I'm sick and tired of you and Mom worming your way into my life, sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. You spy on me, keep things from me. I have every right to know why you were meeting up with him."

"It has nothing to do with you."

"It has everything to do with me."

"Emma, I need to go. Stop calling me with your trivial nonsense."

She hangs up and I drop the phone onto my desk, my cheeksflushing red.

Whatinthe fuck is going on?

I stand and pace as my fists clench in and out. My breath comes out in spurts. I bite my lip hard, the taste of blood, metallic and warm, filling my mouth.

I need answers. If Melissa doesn't want to give them to me, then I'll find them myself.

A bead of sweat trickles down my back as I grit my teeth, my nostrils flaring.

I pick my phone back up and with shaky fingers, I call Knox.