Page 67 of House Rules

After a few beersand anobsceneamount of boneless buffalo wings,Jim is kicking my ass in pool.

"And, she's in! The eight ball has landed." Jim shakes his ass in an attempt to be funny and I roll my eyes as I slap my stick down on the table.

"One day man, one day.I'll turn on your ass and be the new pool master."

"Ha, yeah right, man. Keep dreaming."

We put our pool sticks away and head back to our booth. A couple of fresh, frosty beers await us and I gulp down the first few sips without hesitation.

"So, what's up with you, bro? You've been a ghost lately."

"Eh, been busy with work. You know, life crap."

Jim nods before he takes a long pull from his beer. "Anything new or exciting going on? Something besides baby food and shitty diapers?"

I laugh. "Parenthood is fun, eh?"

"Yeah, if you enjoy wiping asses and cleaning puke. I'd say it's a grand ole time."

We clink beers as we chuckle.

"I saw Sharon." I blurt out.

"Really? Where?"Jim asks, his attention now peaked.

"AtourlocalChinese place. I was leaving as she was coming in."

"Shit," Jim says as he rubs a hand over his face. "How'd that go?"

"Awkward, to say the least. She threw her arms around me and I had to pry her off."

Jim shakes his head. "Typical. She's a stage five clinger."

I smirk. "That's for sure."

"Did she want to see you?"

"Of courseshe did. I told her hell no. There's no way I'm going down that road again."

Jim nods. "Good. I hope she's not in town too much longer. What about Ethan? Is he out yet?"

"Nope." I sip my beer as I think of my mother. She's distraught over the entire situation and I can't say I blame her. "The sentencing got pushed back. We'regonnatry to get him into a sober house upon release. If he comes home, he'll slide right back down the addictionhole. He needs serious help."

"Are your mother and Jane holding up ok?"

"Yeah, day by day, man. That's all we can do. It'd be nice if my other two sisters helped out. Even my dad checks out of the situation. It's not fair."

"I hearya. Life is not easy. Not in any way." I sigh as memories flood my brain. "Remember when we used to play ding dong ditch? Ah, the good ole days..."

I sip my beer as I remember running around with Jim until the street lights came on. What fun we had. Ethan and Jane were never too far behind us.

"Soon, your little ones will want to play that game."

Jim snorts. "I doubt it. Those two are glued to their damned tablets all of the time. I have to take it away to get them to go outside."

"We never wanted to come in." Jim and I clink beers once again as he nods his head.

Another round of beersareordered. "Challenge you to a game of pool?" Jim asks while wagging his eyebrows.