Page 58 of House Rules

"No, she doesn't appreciate anything we do for her."

Melissa paces the kitchen, her high heels clicking on the tiled floor.

"It has nothing to do with appreciation. I don't want the help. I'm perfectly capable of finding love on my own."

"I don't think that's true, Em. Don't you think you would've found it already if that was the case?" My mother bites into her sandwich.

I've had enough. They’re impossible.

"Let's change the subject, please." I puff out a breath, my hands twisting in my lap. Enough is enough.

"We know you were with Knox last weekend." Melissa crosses her arms and stands next to our mother.

"What?" I blurt out.

"Yeah, we saw you with him. So, don't sit there and lie. He's not good for you, Emma. You're setting yourself up for a world of hurt." Melissa grits her teeth.

"Get out. Lunch is over." I say as I stand. I point to the door. "Get out of my house, both of you."

"Emma, let us explain." Mom stands and tries to reach out but I slap her hand away. I don't want to hear anything they have to say. I'm done with their bullshit. Their lies. I'm done with them spying on me.

"No, Mom. I don't want to hear another word. Spying on me? It's fucking uncalled for. Get out now."

Melissa's halfway to the door, muttering words under her breath. I don't care what she has to say. I'm done hearing it all.

"Emma, listen. We're doing this because we care about you," my mother says.

"Spying on people, lying to them—you don't do those things when you care about someone."

"If we leave, I'm having your father cut off all payments."

I cross my arms. "Go ahead. I don't care." I'm tired of her hanging that over my head. She won't be anymore.

"You'll regret this young lady. And, you will sit down with me and your father this weekend for dinner." She jabs her finger into my chest before she leaves. "I raised you better than this, Emma. Something's corrupting you and I'll get to the bottom of it."

The door slams and I sink into my chair as the tears begin to fall.