Page 51 of House Rules

"Easy there, don't fall. She's not famous yet. But, her books seem to be taking off."

"Who does she write under?"

"Write under?"

"Yes, like her pen name? Or, does she use her real name?"

"Beats the hell out of me."

Emma taps my arm as she laughs. "Find out for me. I'd love to check her out."

I grab her hand and wrap it in mine. "Be careful who you're hitting. I may have to punish you."

Emma's laugh carries through the air and I can't help the swell of emotions.

You're in trouble, man. Deep trouble.

* * *

I don't knowwhat's hotter. The air outside or the woman next to me. I can't tear my eyes away. Her laughter is like a drug as it filters through me and drags me down into a haze.

We barely watched the Waterfire event, both of us laughing and whispering like two teenagers in love.

Now the night is ending and I'm desperate to have my way with her. When we reach the truck, she catches my eye and wiggles her eyebrows. Her tongue darts out and she licks her top lip. Her ruby red lips shine in the evening glow of the moon. My cock thickens at the sight of her mouth.

"What's on your mind?" I ask her as I hit the key fob.

"Oh, you know..." She trails off.

"I think I do know." I wink at her.

I open the truck door and never break eye contact as she slides inside, her dress lifting higher than it needs to. I chuckle as I swallow the moan in my throat. I'm ready to fuck her in my truck. Right now.

I shut her door and hurry to my side. Once in, I start the engine and turn the air conditioning on in the truck. Is it just me or is it a hundred degrees in here?

Emma leans over as she brings her mouth to my ear and runs her tongue along the edge. I shiver, my cock now fully hard. Her hand moves over my bulge and I sigh, my eyes becoming half slits. Goddamn... this woman...

Her mouth and tongue continue to lick my ear, nipping my lobe, as she moves down my jaw line. One hand continues to rub my cock over my pants as her fingers slide up and down the length through the fabric. Her other hand snakes up my shirt, her hot little fingertips running over my abs.

Emma's mouth now connects with mine and it's all I can do not to throw her in the backseat and ravish her. Instead, I let her stay in control, let her take the lead as the kiss is soft, slow, gentle. Her hand continues to massage my cock, the pressure of her fingers increasing, as I grow harder by the second, my pants becoming increasingly strained.

The other hand moves down my shirt, as she deepens the kiss, our tongues warring with one another, and I hear my zipper open. Emma swallows my moans as her hand slips inside and her warmth spreads through the cotton fabric of my boxer briefs.

I grind my hands into the seat. The need to hold to something grips at me as my fingers claw at the fabric. The tips of her fingers slip inside the elastic waist band and she fans them across my stomach. Her hot skin touches mine and I jump at the connection, the tingles in full force.

She breaks our kiss with a smile.

"Fuck," I mutter as I watch Emma move her head down to my lap, her hands now working on springing my cock free.

I gasp as her luscious red mouth wraps around my cock, her tongue swirling around the tip. A deep groan vibrates in my throat which only spurs her on, as she licks up and down the entire length, circling around and around the tip with her tongue. She then slides her mouth down at the same time as she sucks, lifting off the top gently and then back down.

My head falls back against the headrest, my hands grasping her head, as she sucks me hard, up and down, over and over again. My eyes roll back and my mind goes numb.

The air is thick and heavy with desire. Our hot breath fogs the windows. Waves of pleasure roll through me and I know I'm close. Using my hands on her head, I grip her hair and help guide her up and down. As I fuck her face with my hips, her moans get swallowed up by my cock, and she continues to take it, sucking harder, faster.

I crash down as I cum. It spills into her mouth and she swallows it down.

Fuck that's hot.