Page 41 of House Rules

We order two drinks a piece to get us through the next round. The break is over in five minutes and we wasted half the time in this line. "It's complicated, sis."

"It's always complicated with you! Just date someone already. It's been a long time since Sharon."

"It's not only Sharon. There's other things too..."

"Like what?"

"I can't risk the hurt again. She's got some baggage herself with her crazy family and all..."

"Sounds like excuses to me, Knox. Everyone has baggage. Life isn’t easy, you know that."

"We work together. It would look very unprofessional."

We walk back to our tables as the next round prepares to begin.

"No one has to know, do they?"

"Don't tempt me, sis. My head's fucked up enough from kissing her a couple of times."

"What? You kissed her?"

I look away.

"Knox! Don't play shy with me."

"I couldn't help myself... she does something to me. It's like I lose all control."

Jane claps her hands together. "Ahh! Don't you know what that means?"

I watch her become animated, her excitement overflowing.

"Don't read into it. We have an intense chemistry, that's all. Doesn't mean there's a relationship there."

"Yeah, okay, whatever you say, Knox."

The music begins and the host comes over the speaker, announcing the next round. I glance around in hopes to spot Emma.

Jane catches me. "I know you don't want to be here. Find her and enjoy yourself. Let yourself live a little. You give so much to others. Why don't you give to yourself?"

I study her face, her features so similar to my own, as I contemplate her advice. Should I? Should I risk it? Or, maybe only have fun and deal with the work awkwardness later? Different voices in my head battle for my attention. Shit, the hold this woman has on me...

Before I can talk myself out of it, I make a quick decision.

"You okay here by yourself?"

Jane waves her hand, "Of course. Lexi is meeting me here later for drinks."

"Good." I pull her in for a hug, "Text me when you're home and in for the night. Any trouble, you call me."

"I will." Jane whispers.

She finds her seat and waves goodbye. "Go get her!"

I grin and disappear into the crowd.