Page 39 of House Rules

"Hello!" A squeaky voice calls out and I cringe. Shit, I'm horrible.

"Hello?" The voice says again and I hesitate and slowly drag my eyes upwards. I smile as I make eye contact, my eyes running down his face.

"Hi," I answer, "I'm Emma," I extend my hand for a shake, and he slides his sweaty one inside mine. Ewww.

I glance over at Abbie and of course, she is chatting it up with a nice looking man in a suit and I'm stuck with jockey boy over here, who's shaking in his cleats. I wipe my hands on my napkin and smile up at this guy, in hopes the five minutes is over, like, now.

I'm not a bitch, I swear I'm not. Well, maybe sometimes. He's not my type, plus he looks half my age.

"I'm... I'm..." He doesn't finish, instead runs his hand along his face, his eyes darting around.

I wait, in hopes he will say something, anything, my leg shaking faster as the awkward factor increases, but he doesn't so I try. "What was your name? I didn't catch it." I ask as I smile, in hopes to relax him.

He continues to stare at me, and I swear I see some drool dripping down. Jeez, guy, I'm grasping at straws here.

I take a long sip of my drink. The alcohol rushes through me, spreading its warmth throughout. My mind drifts back to Knox and those hot, soul-crushing kisses.

I've never had a man kiss me in that way and I'm sure I'll be comparing every kiss in the future to his.

Buzz! The timer sounds and the guy jumps up, knocking against the table, my drink sloshing down the side. I wave and glance at Abbie. She throws me a thumbs-up sign and I mouth, "You owe me, sister."

* * *

The next fewrounds aren't as bad, a few good looking men taking their seat in front of me. But I haven't felt that zap, that connection. Nothing.

"Well, look who it is. Hello there beautiful." A familiar voice draws out the word beautiful and I freeze. My head shoots up from my drink, and lo and behold, there he is. Knox. What are the fucking odds?

Those zaps I was talking about? Oh yeah, here they come, full force.

"Knox?" I ask in surprise, taken aback that he is actually here.

A grin plays on his lips as he rubs his jawline. I can't help but notice his long slender fingers, his full sexy lips... oh the things they could do to me... or rather, have done to me.

"The one and only," He chuckles, shaking me out of my dirty thoughts. "I'm surprised to see you here." He cocks an eyebrow, a mischievous look crossing his face.

"Why's that?" I study his face. He's handsome as hell with his dark hair and stubble. His brown eyes pierce mine, the small gold flecks in them capturing my attention. He's not overly built with muscles but he fills out his dress shirt, the fabric taught across his arms and shoulders.

I crave to feel his arms around me. I imagine the strength and security they'd bring.

A few scrawls of ink peak out from his neck, a preview of tats I've never seen before. His shirt is unbuttoned at the top and no tie graces his neck. My body flushes with heat at the thought of the designs on his skin.

He shrugs. "Doesn't seem like your type of night."

"Oh, really? And, what's my type of night?"

His eyes light up, amusement shines on his face. He bites his lip before he speaks and I feel my panties dampen. Oh this man, this tempting man...

"Hmm, let me guess. A movie and popcorn night in?"

Of course, he guesses correctly but I'm not giving him the satisfaction.

"Nah, I'm more a wild night on the town type of girl." I giggle and shift my eyes. I can't lie for shit; why do I bother trying?

"I doubt it."

"You're very confident in your answer. Think you can read me so well, doc?"

He smirks as he rubs his chin. Those strong hands rubbing along that sexy jawline does something to my insides. I grip the table to keep myself from attacking him. To feel his mouth on me one more time...