Page 36 of House Rules

My cock deflates. I don't want to talk about me. I want to keep staring at her lips as I picture them all over my body.

"What about me?" I grin.

"No girlfriend?

"Nah. I'm flying solo these days. Relationships are messy."

Emma cocks an eyebrow. "Messy, huh? I sense a story there."

"That's such a therapist thing to say."

She laughs, her face glowing. "Give me a therapist answer then."

I rub my chin as I throw her a smirk. "Yes, there's a story there. One I don't care to talk about."

"That bad, huh? Talking about it helps." Her tongue peeks out again and licks her ruby red lips. I bite back my groan. This woman has me on a rollercoaster, one minute turned on more than ever, the next analyzing her brain.

"Don't play therapist on me. I know all the tricks."

"Oh you do, do you? What might those tricksbe?"

"I can't reveal that top secret info. Then, you'll know all the tricks, too."

I wink. Stop flirting Knox...

Emma glances at her phone. "We’d better get back." The moment is broken.

"Do we have to?"

Emma smiles as she stands. She reaches into her purse for her wallet.

"Whoa, whoa. Put that wallet away, I'll get it. I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't."

"Who said you were a gentleman?" Emma asks.

"Well," I say as I stand. "I like to think I am, though some may disagree." I dig my wallet out of my pocket while Emma laughs, the sound going straight to my head. I throw down some money to cover the check and tip. "Ready?"

Emma nods and heads out as I follow behind. We reach the truck and I open the door for her. I can't help but stare as she climbs in, her long legs and ample curves barely hidden under her thin cotton sundress.

Seeing her in my truck stirs feelings inside, feelings I don't want to have. There's something sexy about her in my truck, and my mind drifts to all of the things I want to do with her in it... christening every inch of it...

I shut her door and hop in on the other side. The engine roars to life and I glance over at the gorgeous woman next to me. Why does love have to be fucked up? Why can't it be easy? No strings, no baggage? Why does sex complicate things? Sex is just sex, right?

"Thanks, Knox. For lunch, I mean. And, for the good time. I needed to laugh."

"Anytime." I grin.

She reaches over and gives my hand a squeeze, causing me to jump in my seat. The electricity that sparks between us is strong, stronger than I've ever felt. She must feel it too because she hasn't removed her hand. Instead, she stares down at her hand on top of mine. She gently caresses the back and I press my fingers into the seat.

Stay in control... in control Knox...

I hear my mind scream in protest but I don't listen. I lean over and run my nose along the side of her cheek, my mouth brushes soft kisses along her jawline and she stiffens.

I can't resist her. She's like a forbidden fruit my mouth waters for.

I continue to caress her face with mine as I inhale her scent, branding it to my memory. She smells sweet and seductive, a perfect combination. A hint of lavender, a hint of honey.

"Knox..." She whispers but I don't stop. I can't stop.