Page 27 of House Rules



The microwave dings,echoing in the empty break room. I pop open the door, the smell of Thai food filling my nose. Can't beat leftovers.

I head to my office, the steam rising from my plate and trailing behind me. It's quiet in here; the place looks like a ghost town. Everyone must've called it a night.

I drop into my seat and dig in to my dinner as my eyes go back to my patient's chart. Another late night in the office to add to the countless hours I've logged.

A month has gone by since I started, and I'm still stuffing my schedule jam-packed. One appointment after the other, old patients and new, I need to build a solid caseload. Working for myself is a lot of effort, but more rewarding than I thought.

The one thing I didn't expect was Emma. No matter how many times I push her out of my mind, she still weaves her way in, front and center. The kiss from the past weekend was stupid of me but I couldn't help myself.

We skirt around each other at work, both of us avoiding the other. Since the kiss, it's more awkward.

When I saw her sitting at the picnic table yesterday, her eyes closed, her face turned to the sun, I became frozen. I stood behind a nearby tree for a few moments as I watched her. My thoughts were a jumbled mess.

I had to walk by her, so I seized the moment, hoping to break some ice. She wanted to tell me something, until our coworker interrupted. I haven't had a chance to see her since.

I pop the last of my spring roll into my mouth and eye my stack of charts. Better get a move on while the night is young.

Finishing the current chart, I throw it in the done pile and grab the top one when my phone buzzes.

I love how she announces it’s her.

I shoot back quickly. Having four siblings, there could be any kind of drama or trouble happening. My father likes to hide in his man cave and let my mother deal with everything but, lately it's been too much for her.

She looks worn, tired, broken even. The stress eats her alive. Ethan causes the most trouble but my older sisters have their days. Emotional breakdowns and what not; I hightail it out of there, not wanting to be one of their victims.

Her next text breaks me from my thoughts.

I groan, knowing that means bad news. He probably was the world's biggest dick to her.

My heart picks up in pace and my fists clench. I hate when he treats our mother poorly. She's done more for us than anyone and he doesn't appreciate it.

My poor mom. Ma has put all of us before her and it’s painful to watch my brother wear her down. She and I have always been close, our analytical brains teaming up together. I try to be her support as often as I can.

No matter how old I get, she'll still be sending me those x's and o's. She's shown us unconditional love since the day we were born; we're lucky to have her.

I wish I understood Ethan and why he chose the path he's on. He was a happy kid, easily satisfied, though he could be a sneaky devil at times. What kid can't?