Page 24 of House Rules

"He's old-fashioned is all. Mental health treatment has only been accepted lately; before, it was shunned."

"We warned you not to become a shrink, sis. You refused to listen to us." Melissa rolls her eyes. When will they ever get it? When will they ever accept me?

"I enjoy helping people. I won't stop because neither of you approve. A man I want to be with needs to love me for me and everything about me. Career and all."

Melissa snorts and I clench my mug, my fingers twisting around it. "What's funny? It's sad to me you don't have a career. Tell me, what'll you do when this marriage ends?"

"Who said my marriage is ending? I do have a career by the way. My marriage and my children are my life, my mission, my sole job, along with my charitable organizations."

Ladies luncheons at the country club are now charitable organizations?Her far-fetched bullshit doesn't fool me. Her two young children are spoiled rotten and usually with the nanny. "Are you guys only here to check up on me? Quite frankly, I'm still pissed off at both of you. Spying on me is ridiculous, a new low for both of you. And, a dating site profile?" My mother looks at my sister, both of them guilty as hell.

"What, Mom? Did you not think your partner in crime here wouldn't blow your secret?" I shake my head as I sip my tea. It better work its magic soon, before I lose my patience. They need to butt out of my life. I can follow the rules on my own.

Both of them watch me in silence. "You two need to stop meddling in my life. I can follow the rules on my own."

"Are you sure about that?" My mother says. "You've broken them before."

I clench my hands around my mug, my fingers gripping together. "College doesn't count. I was having fun."

Melissa rolls her eyes and snorts. I have the sudden urge to slap her but I control myself. Breathe Emma, breathe. In and out.

"Em, honey," My mom says as she pulls my fingers off my mug. Patting my hands, I try to relax as I focus on her face. "We're more concerned about this Knox fellow. He's clouding your judgement. He hasn't even taken you out on a date but kisses you in public? Melissa told me she had to use the jaws of life to get him off you. It concerns me."

I pull away and stand abruptly, my leg hitting the table causing tea to splash over the side of my mug. It's late and I've had enough. "There's nothing to be concerned about."

"Yeah, that's not what your lips were saying the other night." Melissa stands, coming to stand in front of me. I take a step back and she takes another step closer. Why does she always feel the need to get in my face?

I pull myself taller, meeting her eye to eye. "Stay out of my fucking business."

"No. Who says I have to?"

"Me. It's my life. I'll figure shit out on my own."

Our mother is suddenly standing there and while I hope she'll tell Melissa to back off, of course she doesn't. "Emma, we're only doing this because we care about you. We want to see you happy, with a family and children."

My eyes flick to hers and back to Melissa. "If you two don't back off, I'm breaking those rules. I'll go out with Knox and whoever the hell else I want to."

Melissa's eyes narrow and she moves closer.

My mom gasps. "No, you won't, young lady. You do not disobey me, no matter how old you are."

"Just try us, Emma. You'll be sorry. Think we spy now? Think again."

My emotions burst forth, the dam breaking. I've held back for so long. I've kept quiet and done what they both have said. I'm tired of it.

"Get out. Both of you."

They both glance at each other, a look of shock crossing their faces.

"Don't you dare talk to us that way." My mother says as I turn away. I move to the front door. I open it wide and stand back. I've never kicked them out before and they both look at me, paralyzed—in shock.

"I'm done visiting with you two. I have work to do and an early morning."

Melissa throws her hands in the air. She storms towards me, huffing and puffing, before she comes to a stop in front of me. She pushes a finger into my chest, her nostrils flaring. "Mark my words. I'll never forget this. Kicking us out like we're dogs. You're such a bitch." She looks over her shoulder. "Let's go, Mom. Let her live her pathetic life. She'll come crawling back to us one day."

My mom walks over to us and stares at me. "I'm disappointed in you, Emma. You know better than this. That man. He's poison. Look what's happening already, and he barely has scratched the surface. You'll be sorry."

She turns and they both walk out. I slam the door shut, the walls reverberating from the forceful sound. Tears slip down my cheeks as I stand there, staring at the door, wishing for a normal family.