Page 19 of House Rules

I releaseher arm as she falls against the back of her car. Tears pool in her eyes and my heart clenches. It hurts me to see her in pain. Her mother and sister are impossible. Spying on her? What's next?

"I want to go home, Knox. Tonight—well tonight has sucked." She wipes her eyes. "I'm sorry you had to see that. My sister—she's..."

"I saw. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I would've told her off, too." Emma hiccups as her sobs subside. Her beauty, her mere presence, is intoxicating. As if a spell has been cast on me, all I can see is her. Her breath caresses my cheek; its heady and delicious and I want more of it—of her.

I don't think. I act.

I lean in close and crush my lips to hers. She stills and I move my mouth against hers, willing her to open for me. She relents and I slide my tongue inside, needing to taste her, devour her. Our tongues swirl together and Emma moans. I deepen the kiss, afraid this will be the last time, afraid I'll never get to taste her, touch her again. I explore every inch of her mouth as I press her back into the car with my body. She's not moving until I've had my fill.

"Emma! What in the fuck are you doing?" A girl screams in my ear, one who sounds much like her sister. She yanks us apart before pushing me back and standing between us. I stumble while gaining my balance. My temper flares. "Hey," I call as I move next to Emma, cutting her off from the tongue lashing she's currently delivering to her. "You had no right to pull us apart."

Melissa's eyes flare as she diverts her attention to me. "Mind your own fucking business. My sister doesn't need to be getting involved with the likes of you. If she can't help herself, I certainly will."

I huff out a breath. This chick is unbelievable. I look at Emma, who isn't even paying any attention to her sister. Instead, she's in a fog, mindlessly rubbing her fingers over her lips. They look plump and swollen; our heated kiss made an impression. I nudge her and she snaps back to the present. She pushes herself taller as she steps forward into Melissa's face. "I'll kiss whomever I want. Can you please fuck off, already? Go run and tell Mom everything. I know you're dying to."

Emma slides into her car. "Knox, I'll see you Monday at work. Goodnight." She slams the door and starts the engine. I back off as Melissa storms off and I'm left standing there, alone, and confused as Emma peels out of the parking lot.

* * *

"Knox!I haven't seen you in forever!" Jane hugs me tight. Our favorite local hangout, The Coffee Exchange, is busy this morning, with the aroma of java heavy in the air. Jane slides into the booth and I sit across as I grab the menu. "How you doing, sis?"

"All right, hanging in there. Have a few crazy deadlines to meet and then I'm taking a break."

I put the menu back, ready to order my usual drink, a hot cappuccino with extra foam. Jane sips her coffee and I study her face. Her eyes have bags and her hair is stuffed in a messy bun. I worry about her stretching herself too thin with her work. She never gives herself time off. "Good, you need a break, I've been telling you that."

"I know. I push myself too hard. It's difficult when you try to run your own business. I don't have anyone yelling in my ear to get my shit done." She smiles half-heartedly, her eyes still dim. Something else must be going on; she looks like her cat died.

"Is that all that's going on?" Concern fills my voice.

"Stop reading me so well," Jane says. The waitress comes by and I order my drink, along with a refill for Jane. I focus my gaze back to her, waiting for her to spill it.

Jane sighs, her hands clasped together in front of her as she begins to squeeze her fingers. It's her classic move when something is bothering her. "This job keeps me going all the time. There is always something to do and I hate these deadlines I've made for myself; but it's what keeps me going. It's…" She stops, her voice cracking. "I know it's stupid, but I miss Andy."

"Andy? Your high school boyfriend, Andy?" I'm surprised. She hasn't mentioned him in years. They parted ways before college, both of them veering off in different directions.

Jane nods, "I know. It's been a while since I mentioned him, huh?"

I smile up at the waitress as she places my steaming mug in front of me. "So, why Andy?" I inhale the sweet aroma and my mouth waters.

Jane shrugs, "I haven't told anyone, but I've been seeing him off and on. Well, more like sleeping with him. I should've known better. Once a cheater, always a cheater." A tear slips down her cheek, and I reach out to grasp her hand, giving her a gentle squeeze. I hate that she's sad; I'm sad for her. And, it pisses me off that Andy is still hurting her. He hurt her in high school, not once, but twice.

"I'm sorry. Forget that guy. I know you love him; you always have. But he isn't good to you. Not in the way you deserve to be treated."

She looks up at me, more tears now sliding down her face. "I know, but it's so hard. I hate the whole dating scene."

"Tell me about it, sis. I hate it, too."

"It gets old. Date after date, is he going to call, is he going to text, does he like me? All of those questions drive me crazy. And, to top it all off, some of the men are gross." She smirks into her coffee before she wipes her tears.

"Gross? Who in the hell are you dating?"

"Well, you know, there's the burpers... the farters... I could go on and on."

I shake my head while licking some foam from the top of my cup. "Where are you finding these guys?"

Jane smiles and rolls her eyes at me. "What? No. The normal places like craigslist."

My eyes bulge and I choke on my drink. "Craiglist? Please tell me you’re joking."