Page 18 of House Rules

"I’d better get back to my date," I need to get out of here. Knox makes me do stupid things. Our lips were close; they tingle as I run my fingers along them.

He shrugs. "I'm not stopping you."

Act like you don't care now? Two can play this game.

"Good. See ya." I mumble and brush by him, my shoulder colliding with his hard chest. I push the thoughts that invade my mind. My hands running along the hard abs; perfect washboard stomach.

I know he's behind me. I feel him follow me into the restaurant, his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head.

I plop into my seat. "Sorry, my patient was having an issue."

Curt pinches the bridge of his nose before glancing down at his empty plate. "You took a while and I've finished now."

My plate is still half full but at this point, I've been done with this date before it even began. I shrug and glance around for the waitress. "I'll ask for this to go." My eyes catch Knox. His tall frame leans against the wall by the door in the takeout area.

The Capital Grille is an expensive, trendy restaurant in Providence, serving all types of dishes. Knox catches my eye and I turn away quickly before he can see my flush. Curt's oblivious as he sips his wine and picks his teeth. Can this date get any worse?

The waitress arrives, and after packing up my food and Curt paying the check, he stands, gesturing for me to do the same. Could his manners be any worse? I bite my lip, hold back my eye roll, and head for the door.

Knox is staring at me but I keep my eyes averted. Keep walking, Em, keep walking. I push the door open; the cool night air caresses my face. Curt comes up beside me.

"You know that guy?" He hooks his thumb over his shoulder.

I look back. Knox is watching us intently; a small grin plays on his sexy mouth. I shake my head. "No, why?"

"He can't keep his eyes off you and I got the death stare. Thought maybe he was a friend. How about we go catch a movie?"

"Uh, I'm not sure..." Before I can finish, Melissa pops out of the same bush and my mouth drops.

"Of course she wants to go to a movie!" Her voice floats over to us as she comes rushing forward. "Hi, Curt! I'm Emma's sister, Melissa." She holds her hand out and Curt looks at me questioningly. Yeah, I know. They shake hands while I glare at Melissa. She was supposed to leave. Why in the fuck is she still here?

"Melissa," I say through gritted teeth. "What in the hell are you doing here?"

A fake look of hurt crosses her face. "Em, I told you I had reservations for tonight. Ben dropped me off at the front; he's parking the car." She smiles wide at Curt.

The door opens behind us and the air changes, charging with electricity. Here he comes. Knox comes up on my other side. Melissa narrows her eyes at him. "Who is this, Emma?"

"Hi, I'm Knox." He says, while he extends his hand to her. "I work with Emma."

Melissa's eyes light up with recognition. She shakes his hand briefly before letting it fall without so much as muttering a word. I'm sure she's heard an earful about him. Curt snorts and looks at me. "You told me you don't know him."

I cringe and shrug as all three of them watch me. "I meant, I don't know him that well. He's new at work and we haven't spoken much."

I hear the sharp intake from Knox and guilt rushes through me. I need to get out of here. My emotions are a jumbled mess.

"Emma," Melissa snaps, "Weren't you just leaving with Curt, here?"

Anger runs through me; hot and fast. Who in the fuck does she think she is? "Fuck off, Melissa! Go spy on someone else." I spew, surprised at my words. "It's pathetic, honestly. I caught you out here earlier spying on me and you said you were leaving. Turns out you never left. This is bullshit." I blow out a frustrated breath. "Have a great night everyone. I'm going home."

I take off for my car, beyond done with the night. I can't believe my sister, spying on me. Who in the hell does she think she is? I know my mom put her up to this. Curt is a snobby jerk. I don't care to ever talk to him again. And, Knox? I'm lost when it comes to him.

Melissa calls my name but I don't stop. I'm done dealing with her lies. The car beeps when I hit the fob and I yank the door open, throwing my purse.

A hand grabs my arm and I yelp. Tingles shoot through me, rocking me to my core. Knox's face comes into view seconds later.

"Emma, wait! Don't go yet."
