Page 16 of House Rules



"What madeyou want to become a shrink, Emma?" Curt asks, his emphasis on shrink making my skin crawl. It's exactly the way my mother would say it. Why did I ever decide to do this?

I shrug. What made you become such a pompous ass? "I enjoy helping people, exploring their minds."

Curt scoffs under his breath, failing to hide it beneath his napkin. My eyes narrow and I clench my fingers together in my lap. "What?" I demand. I'd love to know what he's scoffing at.

"Oh nothing," he says, as he waves his hand in front of his face. "I don't understand the profession much."

I choke on my wine. A small dribble leaks from the corner of my mouth and I wipe it without him noticing. What a fucking rude jerk.

"What's not to understand?" I snap. I need to rein in my attitude. Cockiness ticks me off, and even worse is snobbishness. Both traits Curt is currently excelling in. "I help people deal with their problems and illnesses. Depression and anxiety are serious matters. I don't think there's anything to joke about."

Curt's eyes flash with disdain. Don't like a woman who speaks her mind? Too bad.

"Don't you think some people are crazy and not sick?"

I grit my teeth. My eyes roam his face; his blond hair is cut short and clean on the sides, with it longer on the top, styled to the side. He's handsome in that preppy-I-own-a-yacht-and-country-club way. Even his outfit screams wealth. The Ralph Lauren khaki slacks with navy socks and brown boater shoes. His shirt is also Ralph Lauren, a navy blue polo, crisp and ironed.

All he needs is the sweater over his shirt, which I'm sure he has with him. I watch as he's not even looking at me, his meal more interesting. I pretend to pick at my own meal, except I can't stop glaring at him. Not only is he a snobby jerk, he's also an ignorant ass.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I fish it out and glance at the screen, my belly clenching. I stand and grab my purse. "I'll be right back; I need to get this." Curt shrugs and nods, going back to his fish and vegetables. I roll my eyes as I head outside. My body craves fresh air, and besides, I have a feeling this conversation might get heated.

I push the door open, the cool night air crisp compared to the hot, stuffy restaurant. Why wasn't the air conditioning on in there? I finally stop and lean back against the wall, the call now missed. Shit. I was ready to tell him off for good.

Max has been calling me for the past couple of weeks and it's beginning to get out of hand. I'll admit, I let him take me out on a date. I'd hoped it would diffuse the situation but it only backfired in my face. His calls and texts are more frequent.

I close my eyes for a brief moment as the phone buzzes in my hand again. I glance down, blow out a breath in attempt to calm my stomach, and answer. "Hello?"

"Emma! Finally, you answer. Where have you been all day?"

Doing my best to avoid you.

"The normal Saturday crap, mainly errands. What about you?" I keep my voice light.

"I've been trying to call you, silly." He laughs and I shiver. The sound of his laughter makes me cringe. It's almost sinister.

"I forgot my phone at home and then I got lost cleaning. What's up?" I steel myself for his slew of bullshit. How he wants to wine and dine me. Yeah, and try to kidnap me at the same time. I'm not kidding. I wouldn't put it past him. Hence, why I'm nipping this shit now.

Sarah and I talked last night over dinner and we both agreed I should go to the police sooner rather than later. He's been possessive before and he's showing the signs of starting again. Besides, when she came to my work for lunch, she almost walked into a wall staring at Knox and she hasn't shut up about him since.

"He's been calling nonstop, showing up at my work. I went out on one date with him. One. I'd hoped it would help satisfy him for a while but honestly, it made everything worse."

Sarah shakes her head as she rubs the lemon on the rim of the glass between sips. "Wow, that dude is a creep. Fucking nip that shit in the bud, now."

I nod, as I sip my soda. "What do you think I should do? You've had experience with creeps before, haven’t you?" I smile and brace myself for a tongue lashing.

I wasn't trying to be offensive, but sometimes Sarah gets upset when people bring up her dating history. It's pretty extensive. Thankfully, she only smiles back. She often gives me a free pass.

"Straight up tell him. And if he doesn't get it, then you threaten going to the police. You know, to always keep yourself safe first and foremost. If you need me to be with you when you talk to him, I will. There's too much at stake in your life for an asshole to risk things."

Sarah's right. She usually is, her smart business mind makes good decisions. Most of the time. I'm grateful for her advice.

"Thanks, Hun. I knew I could count on you. Now, dish about this new guy." My eyes shine as our food arrives. We dig in as we dish our gossip.

Max's voice brings me back to the here and now. "I would like to take you to dinner again. Every time I mention it, you seem to avoid it more. How's tomorrow night?"