Page 13 of House Rules

"And who are you?" He spits, baring his teeth.

Who in the fuck does this clown think he is?

"I'm her boyfriend, that's who." I spit back. Boyfriend? What the fuck? Couldn't think of anything better, Knox? Like maybe her brother?

I hear Emma inhale sharply behind me, my words striking her. She doesn't speak, though, her body still rooted firmly behind me.

"A boyfriend? She didn't mention you. In fact, I do recall her saying she wasn't seeing anyone." Max looks at Emma over my shoulder, his eyebrows raised in question.

"Well, we only made things official today, if you must know. Hence, the dinner."

Max shakes his head, a creepy smile crossing his lips. Who is this character? I'm ready to deck him; my fingers curling into fists, opening and closing over and over again. I mentally count to ten, trying to hold my temper in. My mother taught me that trick back when I was younger and my anger sometimes got the best of me. "Oh, my sweet, Knox,” she used to say while combing my hair, "One day that temper of yours is going to get you in trouble. Learn to control it, my love." It's gotten me in trouble before. Big trouble. Which actually led me to where I am now.

Emma breaks the silence, her voice barely more than a whisper, "Max, I never confirmed with you. I have plans with Knox. I'll call you this weekend, okay?" She moves next to me, her smile sweet.

Max holds his hands up in surrender. "Okay, fine. I'll go. This time. Next time, you're mine, boyfriend or no boyfriend." With that he spins on his heels, leaving as quickly as he came.

I turn and face her, her smooth complexion now blotchy and red. She blinks back tears, her hand running over her mouth and neck mindlessly.

"Are you okay?" I ask. I want more than anything to pull her against me and hold her. She's shaken and it's not sitting well with me.

Emma nods, her brown hair falling to her face. She pushes it back behind her ears as she smooths down her skirt and takes a deep breath. "Thanks for your help, Knox. I appreciate it." She twists her fingers together, glancing at the door.

"You're upset. Let me take you home." I pick up her bag once again, throwing it over my shoulder.

She shakes her head, her eyes sad. "I'll be all right. I've dealt with him before."

"Can I walk you to your car at least?" Hope fills my voice. Jesus, what's wrong with you, man? You’re like putty in this woman's hands.

"Sure, I'd like that."

I wave my hand in front of me, gesturing for her to lead. I follow behind, my eyes falling to her ass. It sways perfectly in tune with her hips and I crave to touch it, grab it.

"Goodnight, guys!" Ally, the evening receptionist, calls.

Emma waves goodnight, as do I. We weave through the lobby, a few patients waiting, before we exit the office, out into the warm evening.

I feel my shirt stick to me as soon as the hot, muggy air hits us. Emma hurries to her car, and I quicken my pace to keep up with her. The heavy bags pull on my shoulder but I ignore it, my eyes focused on her.

We reach her car, and her finger is already pressing the fob button to unlock the doors. The car beeps and the light flashes. Before she can, I open her door and she turns towards me. Her eyelids flutter softly and my fingers twitch as they ache to touch her. Our eyes lock, the sparks bouncing between us. This woman— what is she doing to me? Why does my body react this way?

My mind flashes back to Sharon and I break the eye contact; the moment gone. I need to ignore this... this connection. It's dangerous. Love is dangerous.

"Well, thanks for everything." Emma says. My eyes find their way back to her, her own eyes never leaving my face.

I nod, unable to form any words. I'm afraid of what I'll say. Kiss me... come home with me...

"See you tomorrow?" Emma asks, and I nod again. I scramble for something, anything to say, but I'm blank, my mind erased.

She slides into her car, her purse discarded next to her on the empty seat. I hand her her bag as I force myself to look away from her long, sexy legs I so desperately want to touch. She takes the bag and our fingers brush. I jump at the contact and so does she, as we both look away.

I step back and shut her door as she fires up the engine. She rolls the window down half way, her face lit up from her smile. Her hair flies around her face, frizzy and unruly, no longer hanging straight. The humidity is thick and it swirls between us. My own skin feels clammy and I'm not sure if it's the weather or her.

I'm pretty sure it's her. Damn, Knox, speak already.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and my stomach twirls. Ethan. He's been calling all day. I'm not going to be able to ignore him much longer.

"Have a good night, Emma." I wave at her as her smile grows.