Page 115 of House Rules

The shivers won't stop as Knox sears his lips to mine. I'm lost in the depth of our kiss as I drown in our love for each other, the electricity charging the entire bubble of air around us.

"Ahem, get a room you two!" I hear Abbie's voice yelling to me through my fog, but I can’t pull away, not yet.

"I'm going to pour cold water on you two if you don't stop!" Sarah yells and Knox finally breaks the kiss, both of us gazing at each other with big goofy grins.

We pull our attention away to greet all of our friends who have just arrived. Zeke, Sarah, Abbie, and Cole slide into the booth, as we hand their drinks to them.

Introductions are made and conversation skitters across the table.

"Sorry, Zeke, I wasn't sure of your favorite type of drink so I settled on a Budweiser. Hope that's okay." I say.

Zeke nods, "No worries, I appreciate any drink, thank you. Budweiser is great." The others murmur thanks for their drinks and we begin chatting away, us girls picking up right from where we left off last time. Zeke and Knox seem to be enjoying each other's company, both of them talking about martial arts and fighting.

We decide to order some food for the table, my two drinks having already gone straight to my head—on an empty stomach.

I glance over at Knox who looks so handsome as he talks animatedly with Zeke. I can't wait to dance with him later.

A half hour later, Knox's friends show up and we pull up chairs, squeezing everyone in. Knox introduces us all and a new round of drinks are ordered. Chatter flies around the table as everyone enjoys each other's company. Knox's friends are funny and friendly, just like him.

The night passes quickly as we enjoy each other's company.

I have to pee, but don't want to leave the fun. I'm not sure my bladder can take one more song with Knox's cock grinding into my belly, pressing down and making me feel like I need to pee more. I yell whisper into Knox's ear to let him know that I'm heading to the bathroom, and he hesitantly lets me go, causing me to almost fall over. Bursting out laughing, Sarah holds me up right, linking her arm through mine. "Maybe I should accompany you there, babe."

Hmm, the drinks are strong tonight.

Sarah leads me to an empty bathroom down a dark hallway; Sarah told me before she discovered this gem when she first came here and it wasn't busy yet. I pee and wait for Sarah, checking my reflection in the mirror.

We head to the door only to bump into a solid mass. I scream as Sarah erupts into a fit of giggles.

"Ladies, ladies it's okay, it's just me." Knox's warm voice filters through me. I let out a deep breath and then burst out laughing. Sarah is laughing hysterically, snorts escaping in between giggles.

"Shit, Knox!" Sarah exclaims, slapping him on the arm. "Thank God we peed first or we both would've pissed our pants!"

Knox grins, a deep chuckle escaping his throat. "I had to check on you ladies. It's dark as fuck back here, how did you even know there was a bathroom over here?"

"Of course, Sarah, my party girl knew," I answer, my words slurring slightly. "Besides, how did youuuu know we were back hereee?" I ask him sloppily, my slurring getting worse. Damn, those margaritas.

Knox winks at me. "I have my ways. Sarah, can you excuse us? I need a word with Emma."

Sarah grins. She flutters her fingers calling out "too aloo!" as she takes off back to the dance floor.

Before I know what is happening, Knox has grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the bathroom in a rush, and shutting the door behind him. He presses me back against the wall, the whole length of his body holding me to the spot. The moan that escapes my lips comes out of nowhere.

His mouth finds mine, his fierce kisses drown my moans and I melt into him, letting him hold my weight. Lust and love mix together between us, the alcohol intensifying everything.

When Knox finally breaks away, he presses his forehead against mine, his lips grazing my own. "Emma, my gorgeous Emma, I'm going to fuck you right here, right now, bringing your fantasy to life."

I suck in my breath, a bit taken aback.

Butterflies burst through my belly, fluttering up to my head and down to my toes. "W... Wh... What? Knox... someone could bust in here and see us."

Knox chuckles, his lips grazing over other areas of my face now, his nose drinking my scent in, which I know he loves so much. "Isn't that all part of the fun, baby? The excitement and thrill of the fantasy?"

I nod as I look down shyly, but Knox doesn't let me for long. He hooks a finger under my chin, forcing me to meet his intense gaze. "Talk to me, Em. If you aren't comfortable, we don't have to do anything, but don't go getting shy on me now, gorgeous."

"Mmm... it could be fun. Or we could squish into one of the two open stalls?"

Knox shakes his head. "Nope, I have you right where I want you." With that, he lifts my legs and quickly grabs my ass, easily pulling me up onto him. I wrap my legs around him as he grinds his thick, hot erection into me. We devour each other's mouths, our hands roaming everywhere.