Page 64 of House Rules



"I love this dress. It's the one. Igottatry it on.Look at the detail on the front." Sarah points to the vintage cream dressshe'scurrently in love with.It's only the tenth dress she's lovedtoday.And,every dress was the one.

I smile as I watch her scamper to the dressing room, her excitement contagious.

I'm so happy for her. She'sfoundsomeone,she'sinlove, and she'sgushingoverdresses likea little girl.

"To be in love. How sweet." Abbie laughs as she pretends to gag.

I nudge her with my shoulder."Don't be hatin."

"I know. I'm jealous as hell."

"Weren't you dating someone recently? The guy from speed dating, right?"

"Yep, but that ended after the third date."

"I'm sorry, Abs, what happened?"

"He brought me over to hisparents'housefor dinner without telling me."

I gasp, a few giggles escaping. "You've got to be kidding me."

"It gets worse. They're all veganand dinner consisted of bean salad and some weird leafy veggies. To top it off, thegrandfather kept farting and God the smell." Abbie rolls her eyes."He was cute, but not thatcute."

We fall into a fit of giggles as Sarah steps out of the dressing room.

Our laughterstopswhenwe see how gorgeous Sarah looks.

"Sarah," I breathe. "You're stunning. Thedress is perfect."

Sarah beams as she spins around us. "Isn't it? Do you think it's okay for this weekend?"

"Yes, it's perfect for a summer wedding."I say while Abby nods her head in agreement.

Her boyfriend's brother's wedding is this weekend and Zeke asked her to come. This'll be the second time she's met his family and I've never seen her so worked up before.

"They'll love you, S." Abbie saysas she looks at a sequined purse. "I bet they already do."

"You guys are the best. Okay, it's final. I'm buying this sexy number."

"Let's hurry before she changes her mind. I'm ready to eat my hand." Abbie shuffles Sarah back to the dressing room.

We make it out of there ten minutes later, dress in hand, and we head to Sarah's car. We parked a few blocks away. All morning, we've been walking around theeastside of Providence. We checked out three different dress boutiques along with a few other small shops before finally finding the dress.

I'm starving and my feet throb. I should've worn my sneakers instead of these damned sandals.

"Any word from Knox, yet?" Abbie asks, while Sarah darts me a knowing look. Sarah got the brunt of my melt downa couple of weeks ago. I had to, or rather she had to, peel me off her kitchen counterand tuck me in for the night on her couch.

Abbie, on the other hand, doesn't know the full story.

I shake my head. "No. I tried meeting him forcoffee a couple of Saturdays agoand that didn't end well." I fill Abbie in on the latest.

"Wow,I'msurprised. He seemedlike anice one. Men never cease to amaze me."

We round the corner and Sarah gasps as she stops short.