Page 60 of House Rules

"Want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?"

The waitress interrupts us as the tension grows between us.

"What can I get you two? Gosh, I hope you guys don't mind me saying this but you're so cute together." The waitress gushes as she looks between us. "Trust me, I see a lot of people in here. All kinds of people. I've never seen a couple as cute as you two."

I bite my lip to hold back my laugh. "We're not together."

She gasps and clutches her chest with one hand. "Oh shit. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I assumed. Wow, how awful of me. I should've never. Sometimes you know, I can't help what I say. I'll shut up now, I'm obviously rambling... what can I get you two cuties to drink?"

I smile. "No harm done. I'll have a skim mocha latte please."

She turns to Knox and he orders a hot coffee, black two sugars. We certainly don't have the same taste in coffee. I like mine light and sweet with a good amount of coffee flavor blended in.

As soon as she's gone, the tension's back, along with the sparks and we both grow quiet. I wish I could hear his thoughts. I'm pretty good at figuring people out but he stumps me. What's he thinking? He could've easily turned me down for coffee but he came here for a reason. He must've wanted to see me.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you." I start but Knox interrupts me.

"It was a mistake, Emma. I'm sorry. I... I should've never let things go as far as they did."

I'm speechless. It was a mistake? Really? Is that what you do? Fuck girls, ignore them, and then tell them it was a mistake?

He runs his hands through his hair, then down over his face. He's fidgety and I doubt he's telling the truth. I feel it in my bones.

My hands grind into fists. A bead of sweat trickles along the back of my neck. I bite my tongue and push down the heated words that will tumble from my mouth if I don't hold myself back.

The waitress brings our drinks a moment later. She must sense the tension because she's away from the table in less than five seconds.

"I..." Knox stops and blows out a breath. His shoulders deflate. "I'm sorry, Emma. I never meant to hurt you. I realized I'm not ready to do this."

"Oh, and you happened to realize that after you fucked me?"

He spreads his hands on the table and finally brings his eyes to mine. They look sad but I don't care. That's not what's coming out of his mouth, his words tell a different story.

"It's not like that, Em."

"Thanks for the time we did have together. You just confirmed what I'd been doubting." I stand and grab my coffee. I pick up my purse and fish a few dollars from my wallet, tossing them on the table.

Knox doesn't say a thing; only stares into his drink.

Without so much as muttering a goodbye, I turn and leave before he can see the tears filling my eyes.

I'm in my car seconds later, and I slump over the wheel.

My mother's right. Sleeping with someone before you truly know them is a bad idea. I thought I knew him. I thought we had a connection. Shit, I was wrong. So wrong. Love is one big mindfuck. I should listen to my mother and find someone to marry.

I'm done with these games. I need a real man. A man to take care of me.

I sit up and wipe my face. I turn the car on and crank up the air conditioning. It's mid-August and the summer is in full blast.

I send Sarah a text to ask if she's home.

She replies a few seconds later that she is and I pull into the street as I make my way to the liquor store.

There's a bottle of wine with my name on it.

* * *