Page 43 of House Rules

The waitress comes by and we order drinks—a beer for him, a margarita for me, and we tell her we want to try out the Hookah bar. She said we're free to head over there whenever we want. We don't even wait for our drinks; we are climbing out of the booth faster than it takes the waitress to walk away. She looks back and laughs. "Relax guys, it's not wacky tobacco or anything.".

Knox laughs as he takes my hand, "Too bad it isn't!" He calls after her, and I laugh. "That'd be sweet."

"Hell yeah it would. A nice joint to relax with..." I look up and see Knox with the biggest smile on his face. "What?" I ask innocently, "Never met a girl who likes to smoke on occasion?"

He shakes his head, "No, actually I haven't. Most hate it."

Just as I go to comment, we enter the Hookah bar, the entire place filled with smoke, tables and chairs set up low to the ground with a lot of Hookahs lined up on each one. We walk around for a bit until we find a small table tucked in the back free with just one Hookah. Perfect for two.

I slide into my chair as Knox settled himself in the chair next to me. A waiter comes over with a menu and begins to explain the different tobaccos and oils we can try, along with a drink and food menu. It all feels so surreal. Here I am, in a Hookah bar no less, with a hotter than hot man, about to have some crazy fun. My sister would freak, my mother even more so.

The waiter from earlier brings our drinks over to us and the new waiter takes our tobacco order. We got a sampling of both relaxing melody and starry nights. Hopefully, it doesn't make me fall asleep. As we sip on our drinks and wait for our tobacco to arrive, I glance around at the other groups of people having fun and I'm glad I decided to come. Usually, I'm sitting around binging on Netflix.

"What would your mother think of this place?"

I laugh. "You know exactly what she would think. Maybe we should scope this place out; my sister could be lurking in any of these dark corners."

Knox chuckles and shakes his head. "Maybe we should."

I love how Knox jokes about my delusional family with me. How he accepts them without full judgement. Most would run for the hills; many have.

"Thanks, Knox." I say as I reach out and give his hand a squeeze.

He looks at me, an eyebrow popping up in confusion. "For what?"

I shrug. "For understanding, for helping me out. I appreciate it."

Knox's mouth opens but he's cut off by our waiter arriving. I realize what I told him sounds like I'm putting him in the friend zone. While I'm not trying to, nothing can happen between us so why bother to raise his expectations? I can't give myself hope, either.

Our food arrives first, along with another round of drinks. We scarf our food down, both of us hungrier than we thought.

Both of our tobacco choices are laid out before us.

Knox reaches out and plucks one off the table. "Shall we try relaxing melody first, before starry nights puts us to sleep?" He smiles as he unscrews the lid. He leans down and inhales, a low moan coming from his throat.

I feel a deep clench of desire, that animalistic sound turning me right the fuck on. He holds the container in front of my nose and I take a deep breath, the sweet scent smelling heavenly.

"Mmm, yes, let's try that." I answer as I watch Knox fill the center with tobacco, hands me a tube from the hookah, along with taking one for himself.

"Ready?" He asks as he positions the lighter. I nod and he lights it, both of us inhaling at the same time. A sweet tasting smoke pours into my mouth, very smooth but strong, and I pull off after a few seconds. I breath out as the smoke sneaks from my mouth and curls into the air.

"Damn, that tastes good," I take a sip of my drink as I watch Knox exhale his smoke. He nods in agreement, motioning with the lighter that he's ready for another drag. I giggle and we repeat the same process again. And again. And again.

* * *

As the night wears on,Knox and I laugh our asses off, four rounds of drinks have come and gone, along with both orders of tobacco. I feel amazing. Relaxed and carefree as if I don't have a care in the world. Our conversation has gotten interesting; the drinks make us bolder.

"How many girlfriends? Like seriousssss onesss?" I slur, my s's sounding bad.

"Only two. One in high school and one I met my last year of college." Knox knocks back the rest of his beer, signaling to the waitress for another. "Do you want another margarita?" He asks me but I shake my head no. I'll be on the floor if I do. "What about you?"

I nod my head. "I've had a few..." I trail off as I think of John, Lee, and Clinton. "One in high school, one in college, oh, and an ex-fiancée." I stutter the words, my brain completely dead now. Knox's eyes light up with surprise at my admission but he doesn't say anything. "Yeah, I know, fiancée... but he was a jerk, don't worry." I wave my hand, pushing Clinton away. He doesn't deserve to be talked about.

"You though, Knox... you break the rules and I love it." Knox's eyes widen, a grin crossing his face, as he watches me. "Fuck," I mumble, the room beginning to slightly spin. I need to move. If I sit here any longer, I'm going to pass out.

I stand abruptly, practically falling over onto Knox. He's up just as quickly, steadying me with his hands around my waist. I fall against him, the alcohol lowering my inhibitions. Don't kiss him yet, girl, not yet...

I wrap my arms around his neck, as I smile lopsidedly up into his face, "I want to dance!" I exclaim as I begin to shake my ass to the pretend music. Knox laughs loudly as he trails his hands below my waist.