Page 21 of House Rules



Hot.Smoldering. Absolute fire. That kiss. That's the only way I can describe it. I keep replaying the scene in my head. Actually, the whole night. Disaster lurked in every corner.

The warm breeze brushes over my face as I turn my head towards the sun. Fresh air during lunch never gets old. I managed to avoid Knox all day yesterday and this morning so far, but I know it's only a matter of time.

All I can think about is that kiss. How intense it was, or he was. Until, we were ripped apart. Shock continues to run through me over my sister's actions. She stooped lower than I ever thought she would. Spying on me not only once, but twice? Creating me a dating profile I had no idea about! What other tricks are up her sleeve?

I haven't spoken to either my mom or Melissa. They've left me countless messages and emails. I can't bring myself to answer yet. I'm not sure what to say; I'm still making sense of it all.

My mind keeps going back to the kiss, clouding my judgement. Our connection is surprising, shocking even. Unlike anything I've ever had before.

Too bad Knox is out of the question. He breaks the rules; therefore, my mother will never accept him. I wish I understood her motives. Why she makes it her soul mission in life to preach these rules; and make sure I'm following them.

I finish my sandwich and get up to brush the crumbs off me. Eating without making a mess is not my strong suit. I throw away my trash and check the time on my phone. Thirty minutes until my next patient arrives.

Stretching out under the picnic table, I prop my feet on the opposite side and scroll through my email, reading and deleting. A company email response from Knox hides at the bottom of my inbox and I curse myself for not seeing it sooner.

Not that it matters. But, I like to be in the know at work. I click it open and read his short reply. His face fills my vision and I picture his mouth on mine.. his hands roaming my body...

I shake off the image. Enough fantasizing. He's off limits. But, something is there; I long for him despite the rules. It's as if they drift away when he's around.

I rein myself in and open an important email to distract myself. My eyes skim over the contents; my brain not registering a word. I close it, unable to focus. Curt's name catches my eye, a new email from him glaring at me. The subject reads, Date this Weekend?

I groan and ignore it. I scroll farther down, skimming the remaining emails. Our date from last weekend couldn't have gone worse. Not only was he a jerk, but he was an ignorant one. With him not understanding my profession, there was no way we would ever work out.

Besides, we barely spoke and we lack a connection. I'm surprised he asked me for a second date. My mother and sister put him up to it. I'll bet money on it.


My eyes fly open; Knox's handsome face smiles down at me. Shit! So much for avoiding him.

"OK if I join you?" Knox asks, as he takes a seat across from me.

"Sure." I move my feet as I sit up straighter. Brushing my hair away from my face, my cheeks flame red as our kiss pops back into my head.

"How's your day going?"

"Not bad. Enjoying some quiet time between patients. The weather is beautiful today."

"It is, much like the woman sitting in front of me." He grins and my face grows hotter.

My heart beats fast and I fidget with my hands, my nerves getting the better of me.

Might as well tell him we will never be a thing. I doubt he wants me anyway, after seeing how crazy my family can be.

"Listen, Knox..." I halt as he holds his hand up.

"Emma, you don't have to say anything about the other night. I know how families can be; always meddling in your business. My sisters can be the same way."

"Really? As bad as mine?"

He chuckles. "Well, maybe not quite as far as spying on me, but my two older sisters, Bella and Lynn, love to gossip and be nosy. Thankfully, my younger sister, Jane, doesn't."

"Wow, three sisters? How many siblings do you have?"

"Four in total. I have a younger brother, Ethan too."