Page 58 of Diesel

I can barely move, and I can’t feel much of my legs. Panicstarts to setin as I try to sit up but am knocked back down from the pain.

What the fuck?

“Hey man, it’s okay. You’re in the hospital.”

A familiar voice speaks and I turn my head toward the sound, vaguely recognizing who it is. Axel?

“What? What’s…” I croak, my throat dry.

“Take it easy.” Axel pats my shoulder as he brings a cup with a straw toward me. “Here, sip some water.”

I take a couple of small sips, the icy cold water soothing my aching throat. I suck some more downgreedily, but Axel pulls it away. “Slow down before it all comes back up.”

“What happened, Axel?” I choke out, needing to know what the fuck is going on. My pulse races, and my brain misfires, filling my head with way too many possibilities.

I try to rack myownbrain. What do I remember last? The race… I was close to the finish line, andbam! Darkness.

Did I crash?

Oh my fucking God, I crashed.

“You were hurtpretty bad, man. Wrecked your car, almost wrecked yourself.”

“Fuck,” I manage to say as the memories rush back. Not being able tofocus,Neveah on my mind.


Did she see me crash? Was she still there?

How the fuck did I end up losing control? Coach Darryl always told me focus was the most important thing. Onelittle distractionon therace trackcould end lives.

And now, here I am. Lucky to be alive.

“Fuck, I can’t believe this happened,” I groan, looking down at my body, covered in bandages, scratches, and bruises. And my leg, fuck my leg in a cast. I won’t be able to drive until it heals.


“I know, but you’re lucky to be alive. And not left with irreversible damage or wheelchair-bound.”

“You’re right, I am thankful. But fuck, man. What am I going to do while healing? Sit around and rest? I’m going to go fucking bonkers with boredom.”

Axel grins, “Oh,I’m sure there’s a woman who’d love to take care of you.”

“Ha! Fat chance,” I attempt a smile, but it’s weak since every inch of me aches in pain. Neveah’s pretty face sits front and center in my mind, her beauty radiating off her in waves.I want her to take care of me…

“No, definite possibility.”

My mind is too foggy to figure out what he’s talking about. “Whatever you say. More waterplease.”

Axel offers me the straw, and I suck down the rest in one huge gulp, collapsing back on the bed as if that took all the energy in the world. It certainly felt like it did.

“You’re inICU, but they’re moving you to the fifth floor today. Probably will be up there for a few days at least. I’m glad to see youawake, though. I’ll let you get some rest and check on you later today, alright?”

I nod, grateful that he doesn’t want to stay and talk more. I just want to sleep this off and wake up healed. Which obviously won’t happen, dammit.

Or wake up to find Neveah next to me, concern and love etched on her face, telling me she’ll take care of me for as long as I need her.

As I drift back to sleep, it’s her face I think of, hoping she’s there when I wake up. By my side.