Page 31 of Diesel

Calm down, Nev. You catch more flies with honey, like Mom always said. Deep breath.

“Morning, how are you feeling?” He sits at his desk, a coffee and cinnamon roll to his left. Spread out in front of him is the one thing I don’t want to see but should’ve known would be there.

Luca’s headlines.

As much as I want to snap, he’s still my father, and I need to show respect. “Not great. I planned to work at home until I read your email.” I sit in one of the two chairs in front of him and cross my legs.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Next time, call me, Nev. We could’ve spoken on the phone instead.”

“I needed to grab some foldersanyway. So listen, Dad, I know why you wanted to talk, and I just want to say I talked to Luca and gave him a final warning. It’s under control.” The words sort of just fall out of my mouth like word vomit.

My dad watches me intently, thekind ofstare you feel to your soul. Fuck, I should’ve kept quiet and waited until he brought it up.

He leans forward and rests his elbows on the desk. His silence is deafening, and I’m transported back to my childhood, his looks and manners still the same. “I just want to make sure you made the right decision.”

I blow out a defeated breath but disguise it with the most confidence I can muster in both my posture and voice. “It doesn’t look that way right now, but I’m confident it’ll work out. In fact, I spoke to him before coming here.”

“You did?” Dad lifts one eyebrow. Hisyou should’ve listened to melook turning into one of surprise.

“Yep. Put him in his place, too.” I sit up straighter, feeling slightly better about the situation, even if only fora fleetingsecond.

Dad cracks a smile. “That’s my girl. Let’s just hope he listens.”

“If not, I’ll come up with a backup plan. I’m sure I’ll think of something.” Ihave no ideawhat that wouldbe, consideringthe season is underway, but maybe Luca will listen and behave.

Or maybe I should distract him. Keep him behaving while keeping him busy in bed with me.

I squirm in my seat, suddenly uncomfortable with where my thoughts are going, considering my father is sitting within a few feet of me.

“If it doesn’t work out this season, we’re going tohave tostop sponsoring drivers and probably close up shop. Business is dwindling more and more, and these drivers are our number one source of advertisement.” He sits back and shakes his head.

He’s always wanted to save this business, this small tire shop owned by his father. Now the building has expanded beyond the garage and into sponsoring drivers, an idea my father came up with when he took over. What better way to advertise?

It’s an expensive way, butfor a while, business was booming. Now, with the Walmarts and thewholesale shopsof the world, along with the cost to keep up with drivers, the business took a big hit. One I hope Luca can help recover for us.

Why did I put so much stock in this guy?

As much as I want to wring his neck, seducing him could work. And it’ll keep the ball in my court. I need to talk to Mel.

“I know, Dad. I’ll do everything I can to make sure this works out with Luca. I want to save this business as much as you do.”

“I know you do, sweetie. Thank you. Go home and get some rest. I’ll have Mom drop some soup off later.”

We stand and hug, and I’m out the door a second later, sprinting for the main door. I don’t bother stopping at my office, not wanting to make small talk or get pulled aside for a minute question that turns into an hour-long answer.

As soon as I’m in my car, I start the engine and pull my phone out of my bag. It only takes a few taps to find Mel’s pretty face and press the phone icon.

She answers on the first ring. “Your dad ripped you a new asshole over the headlines, didn’t he? I’m sorry, Nev. We’ll stuff our face with Chinese takeout tonight, okay? I’ll crash at your place. Does that soundgoodor maybe some—”

“Mel!” I shout to stop her rambling. “Shh, stop talking. My dad is fine. I need to ask you something.”

“Uh, okay. What? You’re acting weird.”

“No, I’m not. I just have a question.”

“Since when do you ask to ask a question? Just fucking askit,girl.”

“Oh my god, how many times can one person say ask in the same sentence?”