“Okay, let me see here.” She zooms in on the computer as she presses the wand into Mel’s belly. “Sometimes these little guys don’t wanna show their stuff.”
The room is quiet as everyone is waiting with bated breath. I know I certainly am.
“Oh! There it is. I see now. It’s a girl!” The tech smiles, and Mel bursts into tears as Mitch kisses her face.
I knew it!I laugh as I run over to them and join in the hugs and tears, so excited and happy for them. There’ll be a new princess in town soon, and I can’t wait for her to steal my heart.
* * *
I rush around the kitchen,putting the final touches on dinner before I check the patio one more time.
Soft music. Check.
Dim lighting. Check.
Paper lanterns. Check.
Wildflowers. Check.
Perfect. It all looks perfect. Well except the chilly wind that won’t quit, constantly putting the fire out, and the tablecloth I had to chase after twice. But that’s what makes it all uniquely perfect, right?
Mel helped me pick out the ring, sneaking away to analyze every diamond with me. She confirmed her favorite colors and food, checking to make sure I had every detail correct. But even if I don’t, I know Nev will love it all. She’s one of the most grateful people I know, appreciating every little thing that’s done for her and never taking anything for granted. Which is why I keep on wanting to do more and more for her.
Tonight’s dinner celebration is for her birthday, but I can’t wait any longer. I can’t sit on this ring any longer. The urge to give it to her, to make her mine in every way is too strong to ignore.
She’s told me all about her hopes and dreams, her wishes for a big fairy-tale wedding, and to one day become a mother. I want to give her all that and more. Everything she wants, she deserves. I’ll continue to strive to give it to her, wanting nothing more than to make her happy.
Crazy, I know. At this time last year, if you told me this was my future on this day one year later, I would’ve laughed in your face. I don’t do love and mushy shit. I don’t let people in and spend my days happy and fulfilled, the large gaping hole I’ve carried around for so long now slowly closing until one day it’ll be healed.
But now that I have it, I’m not letting go. I’m not going back to that dark place my mind used to dwell in. An empty place without Neveah. I don’t ever want to be anywhere she’s not. She’s a part of me now. She’s made my life better in so many ways. And fuck do I hope she says yes.
A few minutes later, I hear the front door open and close, and my heart picks up speed.She’s here.Even if I wasn’t proposing tonight, my heart would still accelerate, my body having visceral reactions to her presence alone. Being in love with her only triples that response.
“Luca, guess what?” Nev sings as she skips into the kitchen, her face radiant, her happy mood contagious. “It’s a girl!” She jumps into my arms and wraps herself around me. “I have a niece to spoil! Can you just picture the cute dresses and bows? She’s going to be the best-dressed baby on the West Coast!”
I laugh. She’s too fucking cute, and I love seeing her so happy for her best friend. “You’re going to be an amazing aunt.”
“Acoolaunt, you mean.” Nev winks and kisses me before she hops out of my arms and heads to the fridge.
“Hey, wait!” I jump in front of her, blocking her way. “I got surprises for you in there.”
“But I’m thirsty, baby.” She gives me her best puppy dog eyes, and I kiss her before scooping her into my arms. She yelps in surprise. “What are you doing?”
“Taking care of you. I have a drink ready for you outside.” I carry her outside and watch her face for when she sees the patio for the first time. Tears leak down her face as she looks around, the hanging paper lanterns and twinkle lights giving off a soft romantic vibe. Lavender and lilac wildflowers fill several vases, including a tall, slender one on the table.
The table is decorated with a white tablecloth and set for our dinner, complete with her favorite—a champagne bottle on ice.
“Oh Luca, this is…damn, this is amazing, baby,” she says as I place her down on the ground. She doesn’t let go, keeping her arms clasped tight around my neck and pulling my face toward her. “I love you,” she whispers before kissing me passionately, her tongue sliding in my mouth and swirling with mine.
When we break apart, our chests are heaving, and my cock is half hard. “Happy Birthday, gorgeous.”
“Thank you.” Neveah kisses me one more time before slipping away and taking her seat across from me at the table. I pop open the champagne bottle and pour her a glass, the frozen strawberries in her flute rising to the surface.
“Mmm, delicious.” She grins and licks those sexy lips of hers. My dick twitches, trying to get noticed, but I still ignore it.Down, boy. You’ll get her later all you want.
We eat and laugh, talking about Mitch and Mel’s baby and about my parents wanting to downsize to a smaller home. Conversation is easy with Neveah, flowing back and forth, but when there’s nothing to say, that’s okay too. We’re comfortable in our silence together, something I treasure. Just her presence is everything to me.