Page 63 of Diesel

“This isa good one, I promise.” I kiss the tip of his nose and grin wider.

“Let’s hear it.” Luca pinches my ass, a playful smile on those sexy lips of his.

“You have to bemy boyfriend.”

“Stepping up your game, I see, Miss Walker, hmm?”

“If it means I win you, then fuck yes.”

Luca grins, and I swear my panties melt. “I’ll be your boyfriend as long as you’ll be my girlfriend.”

“Of course Iwill,baby. Of course I will.”

“I love you, Neveah Walker.”

“And I love you, LucaDeMello. Now shut up and kiss me and never let go.”

“I never will.”




Seven months later…

“Today’s the big day,mama. Are you ready?”

“Yes. And no. I don’t know!” Mel runs around her kitchen as she gets ready for her ultrasound appointment to find out the sex of the baby. I watch her with amusement, wondering where she still gets all that energy from. Like I knew she would be, she’s the most adorable pregnant woman. From her tiny bump to her glowing skin, she looks happy and healthy. “Thank you so much, Auntie Nev, for still coming on your birthday. Which by the way, you look fucking amazing for twenty-eight.”

“Thanks, love, but enough about me. We celebrated my birthday last night, remember? Today is your day. And besides, we already know the baby is healthy, and that’s all that matters. This is just the fun part.” I’ve helped her through it all from the scary genetic testing to the false positive she got in her early days of trying. Of course Mitch is there too. He worships Mel and takes good care of her, fetching her midnight cravings and never missing a doctor’s appointment.

Last night, we celebrated my birthday with friends, having them over for dinner and cake, all thanks to Luca and his fabulous cooking skills. But tonight, the celebration is for just me and him.Me and him.My body tingles at the thought.

“And the getting to decorate part. And buy cute clothes that aren’t all yellow or green or white.” Mel claps her hands in excitement just as Mitch enters the room. He’s all smiles as he walks over to Mel and wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him and pressing a kiss to her forehead. I swear seeing two people so in love and happy is the best feeling.

“You ladies ready?” he asks as he takes the set of car keys Mel hands to him. I ride with them in Mitch’s oversized SUV, both of them taking bets on what gender the baby will be.

I’m lost in my own happy thoughts, thankful for everything that’s happened and where my life is at this point. Not only is it the best feeling seeing two people in love but it’s also the best feeling being one of those people in love. Luca is everything to me, and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for tonight. He’s been calling it Neveah’s special birthday surprise. I don’t know whether to be nervous or excited about the surprise part. But he’s been planning it for weeks, and I’m anxious to see what he’s got up his sleeve.

I never did realize how much of a romantic Luca is from all the times we hung out before. From showering me with gifts and flowers, he cooks dinners and packs us healthy lunches with sweet notes tucked inside for me. Or sometimes he’ll leave me a note in the morning on the days he’s out of the house earlier than me. Little Post-it notes left around the house, leading me to a gift or sometimes just to a final I love you note. It’s the small special touches that make me fall in love with him more and more every day. And who knew bad boy Luca DeMello could be any type of romantic?

After that day we confessed our feelings to each other, we’ve been inseparable. He asked me to move in a week later instead of renewing my apartment lease, and I didn’t hesitate. I slept at his place every night anyway. Why pay rent anymore on a place I’m never at?

While everyone knows about our relationship after Luca making a public statement, we still keep things professional at work, as it should be. The family business is doing well, Luca hitting the tracks as soon as he was all healed, and we also signed on one more drive to sponsor—Axel Leominster. Now with Walker Tires sponsoring AJ, Luca, and Axel, the business should continue to improve as long as they have good seasons. I’m confident it will. We’ve all come so far.

Luca joins me on Saturday dinners and has become friends with my dad and AJ, something I’m truly grateful for. And yep, I did the exact thing I said I wouldn’t. I fell in love with a cocky race car driver. We all knew it was bound to happen, though. Am I right?

“What’s your final guess, Nev?” Mel asks as Mitch parks the car in front of the doctor’s office.

“A girl.” My eyes sparkle. I know it is. From the very beginning, I’ve had a hunch. I’m not changing my mind now.”

“It’s showtime,” Mitch says as he cuts the engine, and we all head inside.

A half hour later, Mel’s in the chair, and the tech is squirting lube jelly onto her stomach. Her uterus fills the screen, and there’s the baby, floating and chilling in her sac.

“Do you want to know the gender?” the tech asks, and Mel nods as she squeezes Mitch’s hand.