“Some guy in a suit wastalking shit about you, Neveah.About Luca too. Fucking dumb shit that ain’t even true, spreading rumors about our family and the business. I know because I was standing close by and overheard the entire conversation. Just as I went to walk over to them to tell them to shut the fuck up, Luca was already there.”
My head spins with AJ’s words. What in the actual fuck? Luca was there? Why would he even approach this asshole? I told him to stay out of the bullshit.
“Holyshit, the way he defended you, I have a new respect for him, Nev. A completely new fucking respect.” AJ hangs his head and shuffles his feet, looking uncomfortable.
I stand there in silence as I try to process everything.Talking shit about me? Luca there defending me? AJ respecting Luca? What?
“Really?” Imanage tosay, my mind spinning into overdrive.
“Yes. I bought into a lot of the hype surrounding him. But now seeing how good of a driver he is and the way he defended you, my opinion changed.” He lifts his head and meets my eyes, a half-smile lifting one side of his mouth.
“Wow,” I manage. I knew people talked shit about me because it’shappened before. The benefits of being good at your job but also having your father as your boss. But to have him defend me, it feels good. It feels really fucking good.
“He said all the fuckups are on him. You did nothing wrong except bring him the best racing season of his life.”
Tears spring to my eyes, and I try to blink them away, not wanting AJ to see meemotional, though I kind of have a feeling he already knows.
“I toldDad, andhe felt the same as me. Luca is a good guy whosebeen dealta bad hand that follows him around. But seeing you change that has beenawesome. It really has. You made a believer out of me, Nev. Dad too.” His half-smile now spreads across his face, the air between us no longer heavy.
Now the tears are spilling over, andI don’t care. Let him see, let everyone see.
AJ wraps his arms around me and squeezes tight, our first hug in what feels like forever. “You’re an amazing woman, sis. And I only hope one day my children look up to you as the amazing role model you are.”
All the tears. All the fucking tears.
“Now go get your man so we can have our happy Neveah back.”
I give him one last tight squeeze, and I’m out the door.
* * *
I drive straightto his house, no call, no text, nothing. I look a mess with remnants ofmakeupand tears running down my face. I don’t care.
I just want my man back.
Standing on his doorstep, I try to rehearse in my head what I thought of to say on the rideover, but my hands are shaking, and my thoughts are racing. I can barely stand. How about just start with can wetalk?Easypeasy.
I ring the doorbell and wait. And wait.
Shit,maybe he’s not home. I should’ve called first. Digging my phone out of my pocket, I pull up my contacts and look for his name just as the door pops open.
Shock fills his face, and he blinks a few times. “Neveah, wh-what are you doing here?”
Luca’s standing there with crutches and a cast covering almost his entire leg. Drawings and signatures cover most of it, the different colored markers swirling together. Must be the guys from the track. His cuts and scrapes have mostly healed, his bruising faded to a yellowish color.
It doesn’t matter to me. He still looks as handsome as ever.
“Hi. Can I come in so we can talk?”
“Yeah, sure.” He hops out of the way, using his crutches with ease, and I stepinside, closing the door behind me. “I was out on the back patio, enjoying the first cool night in what feels like months.”
“Wow, you’re pretty good on those things.” He doesn’t seem to be struggling, his muscular arms maneuvering the crutches like a pro.
Luca chuckles. “You should have seen me two weeks ago.”
I try to think of more small talk, but it seems impossible. Words don’t form, and I stare at his ass as I follow him outside. It’s hard enough to focus on walking without falling flat on my face, never mind thinking about what to talk about.
Outside it’s a little easier to breathe with the help of the coolair, but fuck where do I sit? Across from him or beside him? Fuck, this is awkward, and I want to turn around and run back to the safety of my car.