Page 51 of Diesel

“Your brother asked Mitch, and when Mitch told me about it, I was like what the fuck? There are way too many things going on, like since when does AJ invite Mitch and meplaces? I didn’t know the two of them even talked. And when in the hell did AJ get a girlfriend?”

“Beats the hell out of me. I just wish you’d given me a heads-up.”

“Mitch told me about it an hour, let me repeat,an hour, before we had to leave. I wanted to kill him. I was in the middle of some serious self-care—

I mean, nails, hair, face—and he tells me only an hour before? I should’ve textedyou, but I thought maybe you knew.”

“No, I knew nothing. I didn’t expect to watch into a whole crowd. Especially Mitch. Hehatesthese things.”

“Tell me about it. I’m as shocked as you are.”

“And why would AJ want you two here to meet his girlfriend? Doesn’t it seem odd to you? Or are Mitch and AJ close now?”

“Girl, I know shit. Absolute shit. I just showed up for my bff.”

“I feel like AJ’s up to something. Ever since the ass-grabbing incident, he’s been off. I mean, I have too, but I don’t know. Fuck, I’m tired of thinking. I just feel like the goddamn fifth wheel, or seventh wheel, whatever the fuck it is.”

“It’s the fifth wheel, but technically, there are three couples, leaving you to be the seventh wheel—” She stops abruptly when she sees my face. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Maybe AJ just wanted us here since you and him aren’t on friendly terms right now?”

“I don’t fucking know. I’m done figuring shit out.”

“Anything new in the Luca department?”

“No,” I snap, but suddenly feel bad for my attitude. It’s not Mel’s fault my life is a complete shit show right now. “Sorry, you don’t deserve my attitude. It’s just fuck… I don’t know.”

“Maybe because you went from great dick to no dick?”

“Yeah, that’s probably it. Thanksfor the reminder.”

“Aw, sorry,chick,I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sure it’s alittle bitof everything. Why not go find some new dick? Forget about Luca. You can find that same attractionwithsomeone else, and then you’llbe satisfied, and Luca will be a distant memory. Or you could dress up real hot and tease the fuck out of him at work- but wait, your dad and brother. Damn.” Mel’s arms move a mile a minute as she comes up with ideas.Gotta loveher for trying.

The problem is, Luca is who I want. For some fucked-up reason, he’s the one I want in my bed. He’s the one I want to smile and laugh with. I don’t want random dick anymore. I wanthim. Stupid feelings!

But I swallow all of that shit down like I didn’t just think it and hug Mel close, whispering my thanks to her for the never-ending support.

“How’s the baby-making going? Am I an auntie yet?” I grin as we make our way back outside.

“Oh, it’s going alright.” Mel winks. “We never lack in that department. But no baby yet. Trust me, you’ll be the first to know besides Mitch when I call you freaking the fuck out.”

I laugh, imagining the conversation. The rest of the night goes well, and as I lie in bed that night, trying desperately to fall asleep, I realizethatfeelings fade with time.

And soon, Luca will be nothing but a fading memory of helping the family business, like all the drivers before him.

I hope.



I’ve fallen into a routine.Aforget a certain someoneroutine. It consists mainly of working, sleeping, driving for enjoyment, and exercise. I avoid the public eye except when I can’t for work. It’s almost like I’ve become a hermit, my social life taking a complete nose dive. Something I never thought possible.

To relax, I soak in the hot tub. Sometimes I go for a swim in the pool.

A part of it is I don’t want to see Neveah any more than I have to. It’s a pussy move, and my usual cocky self wouldn’t give afuck, but I think it’s easier this way. I can’t ignore my attraction toher, and the best way to rid her from my mind is to keep her out of my sights as much as possible.

It’s a warm Wednesday evening, the first of July already next week. We have a big race this Saturday, before a week off for the holiday.All of theguys are racing this time, including Colton Donovan. We have photographs and interviews beforehand and an after-party afterward. I’ll be spending the next couple of days running test laps and practicing as much as I can.

My doorbell rings, and I head to the door. Axel stands there with a case of beer in his arms.Well,this is a surprise. “Hey, man, didn’t know you were in the neighborhood today.” I smile and grab the case from him.We didn’t have plans to hang, but now that he’s here, I’m grateful for the company.