Page 49 of Diesel

“He knew he was going too far when he grabbed your ass at the track. Maybe he got freaked out.”

“Yeah, maybe. He said he’d stay out of trouble and keep up his end of the bargain, which is all I really careabout.And besides, if he does something stupid, it hurts him more.”

“True, but you have a lot riding on ittoo,and I hope he behaves for your sake. He can’t turn around and say you took the sex away either because he’s the one who called it off.”

“Ha, a man take the blame for something? Not likely.” I huff before stuffing a salsa-filled chip in my mouth.

“Preach it, girl. No truer words havebeen spoken.” Mel raises her glass, and I tap it with mine, though I don’t feel like it.

What’s there to cheer to? Men being dumb? Men turning down good sex because they can’t deal when shit gets a tad bumpy?

Men being selfish and putting themselves first before anyone else? Or how about men just outright sucking?

“I probably should’ve thought this through a lot more than I did.” I sigh before gulping down the rest of my drink. “Did I really expect shit to endwithout anycomplications?”

“Think of it like this. It was a once-in-a-lifetimeopportunity. You both had something to offer theother,soyoumade an arrangement. Which has now run itscourse.” Mel grins.

“But why?” I blurt.Did I just say that out loud? Shit.

Mel gasps, and her hand freezes inmidair with the chip halfway to her mouth. “You like him.”

“What? No way, what are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, girlfriend. I can tell.”

“You can’t tell shit, Mel.”

“You don’t want the sex toend, hmm?”

“Who would? We had the perfect arrangement.”

“Not for those who want more.”

“I don’t want more.”

“Who are you saying that to? Me? Or yourself?”

I toss a plain chip at her. “Stop, you’re annoying me.”

She throws her head back and cackles. “You just don’t want to admit it.”

I roll my eyes and shake my head while contemplating throwing another chip at her. “Like I said,annoying.”

Mel laughs even harder. “Whatever you say. It’s okay to admit feelings, Nev. You’re human.”

“I know, just not for him. I can barely stand the guy.”

“Says the woman who spent most, if not all, her time with said guy.” Mel smirks.

“Yes,for sex, Mel. Keep up.”

“Right, for sex. Just sex.” Mel grins as she shoves more chips in her mouth. “Whatever you say, girl. Whatever you say.”

* * *

The thoughts are endless.A timeless loop. A never-ending circle.

It's as if he's stuck in my mind, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.