Page 46 of Diesel

I grab my keys and bag and walk out the front door,making sure to slamit hard behind me.

Fuck him and his gigantic ego.

I’ve had enough.



I know.I know I shouldn’t have touched her.

I know what we have going on is unusual.

And I know we’re keeping our little “thing” a secret.

I’mpretty muchokay with that.

So what came over me today? Fuck if I know.

I sigh as I watch the warm water swirl around me. The hot tub sucks without someone to share it with. Closing my eyes, I picture Neveah across from me, naked, the swell of her tits rising and falling as the water pulses around her. My dick grows hard, causing my eyes to snap open.

Fuck! What’s fucking wrong with me?

I can’t get this chick out of mygoddamnhead.

Maybe I was growing too comfortable with the arrangement, too comfortable with her. I grabbed her assunconsciouslypurely from the amount of comfort and trust we had built between us. We got too close, andthat’s a fucking problem.

I punch the water like that’s going to do anything except splash me in the face. Most women would die to be seen with me, yet Neveah schools me like a toddler caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Damn, her brother had walked in right at that moment, didn’t he? But fuck if I knew that. I doubt he suspects anything. We’re pretty good at hating each other.

Not lately, though, it seems.

Sitting in this hot tub makes me just want her more. I get out and turn it off, placing the cover on before heading inside. Maybe a hot shower will help metorelax.

Nope, it does nothing.

Neitherdoes lying in bed tryingto fallasleep. Around twoa.m.,I can’t stand the silence anymore, so I hop inside Diesel and hope she’ll make me feelbetterlike she always does.

Yet when I arrive home a couple of hours later, I don’t feel better.

I feel fucking worse.

This is why!This is whyI keep women at an arm’s distance. Because of fucked-up shit like this.ShitI can’tfuckingdeal with.

We should’ve ended this shit a long time ago. Before it went too far. Before we got to this point.

The sex,theevery daysex, it was all a mistake. A big fucking mistake.

Because people don’t stick around forever. The closer you get, the more it hurts when theydoend up leaving. And they always do.

I’m in way over my head, and Ineverever thought I’d get to this point.

But somehow, here I am.

* * *

With our marketingcampaign for the season completed, there’s no reason for me to talk to Neveah. No excuses to come up with, no questions to be asked.