Page 43 of Diesel

That's all it takes.

I explode, shooting cum down her throat as she gulps it down. She sucks and licks, coaxing every drop out of me, and when I’m clean, she sits up, licking her lips. “Yum.” Her eyes flash as her gaze falls over my naked body. I can feel the heat from her stare. That’s how intense it is.

I need to be inside her.Now.

With one swift motion, I lift her. Her hands are already untying the strings to her bottoms because she knows I won’t wait. She knows I’ll rip the thing right off her.

Her back facing me, I impale her with my dick, waiting not sopatientlyas she stretches her way down my shaft.

Once I’m in, all bets are off. I fuck her like crazy, like we didn’t just have sex a couple of hours ago.

And later, when we’re fucking slow between the sheets under the moonlight, I know right then—everything is different. No matter how much I’d like to pretend it isn’t.



I pullup to the Auto Club Speedway and find the closest parking spot, not feeling like walkingfarin today’s heat. It’s supposed to be in the high nineties. The beginning of July is just around the corner, and as much as I wanted to bail and stay in the pool all day, I told Luca I’d go.

Parking the car, I wait to kill the engine, wanting to feel the cool A/C fora bitlonger before heading in. I stopped at my apartment and watered all my half-dead plants, hoping they’ll revive themselves. I spend most of my nights at Luca’s but still come home to spend time with Meland, most importantly,myself. Sometimes all you need is a little self-care and alone time.

But a lot of the times, Luca’s refreshing pool, warm bed, and hard dick wins, and unfortunately, my plants pay the price.

I laugh with a stupidshit-eatinggrin plastered on my face. Who would’ve thought the guy I couldn’t stand would be the one I want to spend all my time with now?

I still can’t stand him. What am I talking about? His cocky smirks, his teasing jabs.You mean the ones you’ve grown to love? And find downright adorable now?

Ugh, my brain needs to shut up. It’s worked perfectly for solong, and I’m definitely not about to rock the boat. Especially with how well his sponsorship is going.

With one last blast of cool air, I shut off the car and make my way to the back entrance for employees only. Scanning my card, I’m inside a few minutes later, hurrying down to the pits. It’s still early, so not manydrivers are here yet. Mainly just test crews and the operating staff, along with those who get the place ready for the swarm of fans that’ll descend before the race begins.

When I turn the corner, I spot Luca next to his car, wearing only a pair of low-slung shorts. His chest is bare, his usual tank top missing, probably because of the heat. I stop and watch him for a few, drinking him in with my eyes.

Seeing him almost every day naked still doesn’t compare to the sex appeal radiating off him in waves right now. Next to his car, his chest slick from sweat, his sexy tan on full display. All those pool days have made us both quite dark. When people ask, I tell them I have anewfoundlove for the beach. It’s kinda the same thing, right?

Licking my lips, I wish we could sneak aquickie, but there’s no time and way too many people around. So I’ll resort to a quick hi and good luck while pretending to discuss our latest marketing campaign.

Works like a charm every time.

He catches me watching him, his deep voice bringing me out of my daydream and propelling my feet forward. “Hey you,” he calls, keeping it casual, but when I reach him,the air around himtells me a different story. Sparks zing between us like always, public place or not, but I push them away and try to focus.

“Hey, I just wanted to stop by and say good luck, finalize our plans, you know.” I give him a friendly smile. Hisdark,intense stare is anything but.

“Like what you see? Because I sure as hell do. Goddamn, woman,” Luca mumbles between us, keeping his voice low so his words don’t travel. My core tightens, and a rush of heat pools between my legs.

I step back, needing the space before I put my hands all overhim,whichcannothappen. People are milling about everywhere, and I already feel the looks and the judgment as they walk by. It could be in myhead, but it’s still too risky.

Luca doesn’t seem to notice the distance I put between us as his focus was everywhere on me but my face. When he lifts his gaze to mine, my cheeks flush, a reaction I hate. My body is such a traitor.

“You good with everything?” I ask, trying to steer the conversation back to safe waters.

“I’m more than good.” He winks.

“Okay, I’ll see you after then? I’m going to grab a couple of drinks with Mel before the race starts.”

“Have fun.” Luca grins again, andfuck doI want to kiss it off that arrogant face of his.Not here. No touching allowed.

I turn to go when I feel his hand grab my ass and squeeze. Normally, I’d love it. Normally, I’d turn around and squeezehisin return.