Page 38 of Diesel

Things have been great with Luca. Hell, they’ve been better than great. They’ve been fucking fantastic. The sex is amazing, he’s behaving and keeping himself out of the spotlight, and work runs smoothly. What more could I ask for?

Do I still hate him?

Nah, not really.

He still gets on my nerves with his cocky-ass attitude, but I enjoy the time we spend together, both in bed and out. Most times, we’re in bed more than we’re out, but he still makes a good friend.

But I keep the block up. Our relationship can’t, no,won’t, go further than the point we’re at now. It wouldn’t anyway.

We’d end up killing each other if we were actually dating.

Wouldn’t we?

I shake it off and focus back on Mel. “Things are working out way better than I imagined, and I plan to keep it that way.Ohmy god, can you picture it if my father or brother found out? Yeah, no, that’s definitely not happening.”

Mel gasps before breaking into a fit of giggles. “No way. That has bad idea written all over it.”

“I’m liking the sex with no strings attached and no feelings involved. It’s freeing, not held down by a relationship but still enjoying the good parts. As long as things keep going the way they are, it’ll work out.” I sound more sure than I really am. But I have to believe it. If I don’t, who will?

“Okay. All I’m saying is don’tbe surprisedif it turns into more than you expected it to.”

“I get what you mean, but it won’t go there. Believe me. I won’t let it.”

Mel nods her head and rolls onto her stomach. “Okay,love. Make sure you turn over soon.”

I’m glad Mel accepted my answer, even if she might not believe me. I don’t know how else to explain it, and while she might push me tothink outside the box,it’salways with my best interest at heart.

Yet now all I can think about is Luca and how I really feel about him.The same way you always did. Nothing’s changed.

So why can’t I shake the feeling that I feel like it has?

* * *

“Haveyou ever been to one of these before?” Luca asks as he steers Diesel into the parking lot of an old drive-in movie theater.

I shake my head as I bounce my legs in excitement. “I’ve always wanted to!” I clap my hands, unable to hold back my happiness. “What’s playing?”

Luca grins at me as he pulls into a spot and parks his sexy Mustang. When he asked me to go for a long ride in Diesel, I should’ve known he had something up his sleeve. Usually, he doesn’t ask. Wejustgo, and the rides aren’t long. Most of the time, we pull over and ravish each other, unable to wait until we make it back to his place or mine.

“The chick flick you mentioned last week. What was it again?” He rubs his chin with a teasing look on his face. Wow, hedoes listenwhen I talk.

Most of the time, I think he’s staring at my tits. “Interesting. If the welcome sign over there didn’t confirm it, I would’ve said you were full of shit.”

Luca barks out a laugh. “Most of the time, I am. You want anything from the snack bar?”

“What’s a movie without popcorn and soda?”

“No truer words have everbeen spoken.” He winks and hops out of the car before walking away.

I can’t help but watch his fine ass in those cargo shorts he wears. My core tightens, my body ready for a second round already.

There’s no race thisweekend, and we’ve spent most of it in bed. Since he picked me up from work yesterday afternoon and brought me to his place, all it’sbeenis sex, sleep, and food. Thebasicnecessities,right?

My phone buzzes in my lap. I open it to see a text from Mel.

M: Will I get to see u soon?It’sbeen weeks.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. She’s so dramatic. We met at the beginning of the week for a quick lunch before her night shift.