Page 29 of Diesel

I really want to shut her up with my cock. Slide it past those pretty red lips. Drive it deep down her throat until she’s choking on that judgment of hers. I don’t need that shit around here. I do it to myself enough.

“Let’s just be honest with ourselves, yeah, boss lady? You wish it was you on my arm and notthem.” I drop the bomb, and silence immediately descends upon us.

The silence stretches on for what feels like eternity, but is probably only a few seconds.

Neveah blinks, and I swear her eyes are wet.

“Wow. I knew you werecocky,but damn, I didn’t think you werethatfucking atrocious. I wouldn’tbe caughtdead on your arm out in public.”

“You wouldn’t? I beg to differ.”

“Get over yourself, Luca. Not every woman will drop at your feet and be at your mercy. Especially not me. I am notthatwoman. Pathetic.”

“It didn’t seem sopatheticwhen you were begging for my cock, did it?”

“In case you don’t remember correctly, I was not begging nor would I. In fact, the entire thing with you was a fucking mistake.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

She raises her hand, and I lean back, anticipating another smack, butinstead,she reaches around me, grabs the newspaper, and storms off.




“Are you fucking kidding me?”I snap while squinting at the dark screen, trying to make sense of the screenshot Mel sent me.

“I wish I were.” Mel sighs. “What an idiot. He should know better by now.”

“Why do I always live to regret my decisions?” I collapse back against my pillow and roll onto my side, propping the phone up on another pillow next to me.

It’s not even seven o’clock on Monday morning, and Mel wouldn’t stop blowing up my phone until I answered. I planned on working from home today and sleeping in. Since I bailed on Saturday dinner and Sunday’s race by claiming I wasn’t feeling well, it was easy to have a work from home day without questions.

But it looks like now all my plansare shotto hell.

“Don’t we all regret shit? Sometimes, the decisions that feel the most right end up being the biggest regret. Life is a funny fucked-up thing.”

“So I guess he didn’t spend the weekend replaying the best sex he’s ever hadover and over againin his head. Nope, just me. He was onto the next like sex is nothing.” I pull my covers up to my chin and pout.

Mel’s bright smiling face usually cheers me up, but not today. Today, I want to close my eyes and block it all out. It’ll blow over by the time I wake up, right?

Not a fucking chance.

“Sex is probably nothing to him. But don’t regret it, Nev. Just think of it as an experience you had and keep moving. I gotta go my shift is about to start. Call me later, okay? Love you.”

“Love you,” I half attempt a smile, but it’s flat and barely there. It takes more energy than I can muster.

Our call ends, and I immediately open my work email, dreading the inevitable emails about Luca’s scandalous weekend. Fuck, can he just keep his dick in his pants for once?

I should’ve thought about that before he stuck it in me. Not even twenty-four hours later, he’s at the club with not one but two well-known models, including one who works forPlayboy Magazine.

My heart skips a beat when I think about him in bed with two women, and I clutch my stomach inan attemptto hold off the sudden wave of nausea. It shouldn’t matter because he’s not mine. It was just sex. No feelings, no strings attached.

Hell, I could go out and bring someone home too. I just choose not to. And unlike my normal self, always looking for a reason to leave my house, I spent the weekend in my bed. I think it’s the most time I’ve ever spent in my bedroom in one stretch. Mel came overa couple of times, but besides that, I binge-watched TV and tried to get Luca out of my head. But the more I tried, the worse Ifelt, and the more he stayed front and center in my mind.

My emails load onto the screen, and my stomach sinks when I see one from my father.Open Immediately!