Page 64 of Shatter

“This is the best news. Ahhh! But wait—wait. Are you still going to live with me?”

“Of course, Mads!”

“Oh phew, phewwww.” She clutches her chest. “I mean, I would totally understand. It’s just we have our place, and I was so looking forward to living together.”

“I know. I wouldn’t back out on you. Tyler’s going to get his own place. Besides, moving in together is a huge step. Granted, he’s moving across the country, but we’re taking things slow. And just vibing.”

“I love this. So what are the plans? Are you both driving out here?”

“Yes, we need our cars. But I was wondering… would you be interested in flying out here and riding back with me?”

Madison cheers again. “Of course I fucking will!” And that’s when Mason appears behind her. “What is all the yelling about? Hey, Lo!”

“Hey, Mase! I keep delivering great news, that’s why.”

Mason laughs. “That good, huh? Did you become a millionaire or some shit?”

“Ha! I wish. But it’s kinda just as good as that. Tyler’s moving to California.”

“No way! Fuck, that’s awesome. He’s cool as shit. Did I hear something about a road trip?”

“Chloe asked me to fly out there and ride back with her. She and Tyler are both driving their cars here. Oh! I’ve got a great idea! Mase, you should come too! Then you can ride back with Tyler.”

“Yeah! That would be fun.”

“I’ll check with Tyler and let you know. Sounds like a great idea to me. And I’m sure he’d like the company.”

“Well, duh, my company is the best there is.” Mason grins.

We finish our conversation, and when Tyler comes back, he’s holding a large pizza box. “Hungry?”

“Starving.” I eagerly take the box and hand him a slice before taking mine.

“So is Madison stoked? And did she agree to fly here?”

“Yes. She’s super excited. Mason is too. He wants to fly out here with Mads and ride back with you.”

“Hell yeah. That’ll be sweet. I’d rather ride with someone.”

“I thought so.” I grin and kiss his greasy pizza lips. “Mmm, grease.”

“You love it,” he says and then tickles me.

Someone pinch me.

Life is so good right now.

I feel like I’m dreaming.



“I’m gonna miss you, kid. You do good work. Wherever you end up working, they’re gonna be lucky to have you,” Don says as he pats my shoulder.

“Thank you. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’ve learned a lot from you.”

Don waves me off. “Nah, you know more than me now.” He grins.