Page 14 of Shatter

Music plays from a speaker, and four big bonfires blaze along the beach. Poles are set up with fairy lights strung along them and tiki torches scattered throughout, their citronella scent filling the air.

The craziest part is the number of people. Lots of heads milling about, sitting on the sand, swimming in the ocean, playing hacky sack and beach volleyball.

It’s overwhelming, but the girls’ excitement is contagious, and soon, we’re all giggly as we find drinks and a place to hang out.

“Let’s find Mason and the guys,” Lennox says as she hands us each a cup of some punch concoction.

“Let’s not,” Madison says.

I look at her in surprise. She’s usually always down to hang with her brother. “What’s up?” I ask her.

Madison shrugs. “I’m not in the mood for his overprotective bullshit tonight. I kinda wanna get laid.” She grins, and Lennox screams so loud I think I might be deaf.

“Yahhhhsss girl!” She’s clapping and cheering. Did she do some pre-party drinking we don’t know about?

“Shhh. We don’t need the entire party knowing,” Madison says as her cheeks flush. “Mason’s around here somewhere. Let’s keep it on the down low.”

Lennox nods and finishes her cup of punch just as we stop in front of one of the fires. “Sorry, Mads. You got it. My lips are sealed. Anyone need a refill?”

“No, but I’m going with you,” Everleigh says, hurrying behind Lennox, who’s already halfway to the drink table.

“Everleigh’s a good friend to Lennox. I’m afraid she’s gonna get herself in trouble one of these days,” I say to Madison. She seems to listen, but her attention is on the crowd. Her eyes scan over, and I know she’s looking for Mason.

“It’s always the redheads, they say, right?” Mads says as she continues her search.

It’s funny, I’ve never seen her so worried about spotting her twin before. Then again, I’ve never seen her in full man-hunt mode, either. “Look at you, all worried about your brother. It’s adorable,” I tease and playfully nudge her.

“It’s not funny, Lo!” Mads says as she sips her drink and makes a face. The same one I made when I first tasted the very sweet, very strong punch. “Whenever I feel like having fun, whether it’s taking shots, or God forbid, hooking up with a dude, he ruins it. He’s the hugest cock block I know.”

I almost spit out my drink as I choke on my laughter. “I’ve never seen you so ready to get down.”

“It’s been a while, girl. And this chick is ready for some loving.” Mads winks, and we both dissolve into a fit of giggles. But then she suddenly freezes, her entire body rigid out of thin air.

“Mads, what’s wrong?” Her tense position puts me on alert. Is she that afraid to see her twin brother?

Madison turns and faces me, standing directly in front of me, blocking my view. She puts one arm on my shoulder. “Don’t freak out, okay?”

“What? How can I not freak out when you say don’t freak out?!”

“I just saw Tyler.”

Her words ring in my ears.


My Tyler?

“But… but that’s not possible. He told me he was leaving.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure that’s him. And he’s talking to my brother.”

* * *

“Turn and walk the other way. We need to get out of here.” Madison leads me back to where we came from, and we walk as quickly as possible without bringing attention to ourselves.

Lennox and Everleigh are up ahead, and we link arms with them, dragging them along with us.

“Hey, the fire is that way! Where are we going?” Everleigh says as she points in the direction we just came from.