Page 72 of Fighting Fire

She turned and, in her path, stood Pete Meadows. He had his ax out, swinging toward her head before she could call out. The blow knocked her into the wall and the lights winked out as if someone had turned a switch.

* * *

Sean finished refilling the engine with extra SCBAs and turned. Sienna was standing there.

“Sean, I’m looking for Pete Meadows.”


“I went to talk to Dane Bryant and caught him packing his car for a long trip. He’s in custody for conspiracy to commit arson.”

“What does this have to do with Pete?”

“Bryant, Meadows and Fisher were all probies together. Pete is conspiring with William Morrison to torch old buildings and then Morrison buys them for a song.

“The negative, which was on Bryant when we apprehended him, shows Pete talking to Fisher at the first fire scene. Bryant told us that Meadows paid him to botch the investigation.”

Kate was standing next to her. “Where’s Lana?”

“She doesn’t work at this station anymore. She took a transfer. Why?”

“We found Fisher dead,” Sienna said.

“It looks like he committed suicide with a note and everything,” Kate added.

“But you don’t believe it?”

“No. The angle of the shot is all wrong. I noticed it immediately and told Sienna.”

“You think Pete is behind this?”

“Bryant says that Pete killed Fisher because he was a liability. That’s what spooked Bryant into running. He was afraid of Meadows.”

Panic put a vise grip around Sean’s heart. “Let’s find Meadows quick.”

They searched through the station, but Pete wasn’t there.

“Can you find out where Lana is?” Sienna asked with a worried frown.

Sean walked into the captain’s office. The captain called the dispatcher and handed the address over to Sean.

After Sean grabbed his gear, they headed for Sienna’s car at a run. They drove to the hotel fire.

Sean, Sienna and Kate rushed up to one of the firefighters, and Sienna spoke. “We’re trying to find Lana Dempsey. Police business,” she said, showing her badge.

The firefighter turned his head to speak into his mic. “Dempsey, get your butt over here. There’s a cop who wants to speak with you.”

They waited a beat, but the radio remained silent. “Casey, is Dempsey with you?”

“Sure, she’s right…she was here a minute ago. The fire’s getting bad and we might have to pull out. We’re running out of hose.”

“Can you not see Dempsey?” the firefighter barked.

Sean was already donning his gear. Sienna and Kate rushed after him. Sean stopped them. “You can’t go in.”

“Find her. Please,” Kate said as Sienna silently pleaded with her eyes.

“Don’t worry. I will.”