Page 30 of Fighting Fire

Reaching down, she snagged her phone and pressed number one on her speed dial—Sean’s cell. The phone rang but he didn’t answer.

She hung up and then pressed two. Sienna’s sleepy voice came over the line, “’lo.”

“Sienna, it’s Lana.”

Her friend’s voice strengthened, and she asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Let me get Kate on three-way and I’ll explain. I only want to do this once,” Lana said.

When Kate answered, Lana began to launch into her explanation. But before she could get too far, Kate said, “I’m coming over there.”

Sienna said, “I’ll meet you there.”

Both women hung up before Lana could say a word.

They got to her house shortly after midnight, just fifteen minutes after she’d called them. When they came through the door, they hugged Lana in turn.

Comfortably ensconced on her couch, Sienna asked, “So tell us what happened.”

“Sean and I just had this mind-blowing sex. Afterward, I got to feeling guilty that I started a sexual relationship with Sean on a dare. I knew I had to tell him. I should have told him right up-front…”

“Why did you have to tell him at all, and why in bed?” Sienna asked with a scolding tone.

“I agree that right after sex was a poor judgment call, but I wasn’t thinking. I just knew that I had to be honest with him. What if the information came out later and I hadn’t told him? How do you think he’d feel then?”

“Worse,” Kate said.

“Is he mad?” Sienna asked.

“I wish. I think I could deal with it better if he were. No, he’s hurt.”

“What are you going to do?” Kate asked.

“I don’t know. I have to, at the very least, apologize to him.” Lana cradled her head in her hands. “I’m worried he won’t want to be friends with me anymore. Why did I have to be so stupid? Nothing is ever as simple as it seems.”

Kate leaned forward and squeezed Lana’s arm. “If Sean really cares for you, he’ll forgive you. You might have to grovel, but it would be worth it. Right?”

“Yes. Anything to change that awful look in his eyes,” Lana agreed.

“Are you in love with him?” Sienna asked point-blank.

“We’ve been friends since the academy.” Lana realized that she hadn’t really thought about it.

“What kind of answer is that?” Sienna asked.

“What’s wrong with that answer?”

“You didn’t answer her question,” Kate said gently.

Lana sighed. “Sean and I are friends. It’s really all we can be.”

“Is that all you want?” Kate asked.

“I don’t know. I’m on the fast track to captain and Sean is a squad member. There could be complications from that. I can’t let anything stand in the way of my dream. It’s what I’ve always wanted.”

Sienna sat forward. “Is it so black and white?”

“Sounds clear-cut to me,” Lana said. “Look, you guys better get out of here. I could talk to you all night, but you both have to work. I’m off tomorrow.”