Page 25 of Fighting Fire

“Sean, this sample will tell me if there’s accelerants in the soil. It will connect these two fires. The arsonist is deliberately setting fires from the basement and the middle of the building.”

“He’s trying to trap the residents inside.”


“What about Bryant? Have you told him your suspicions?”

“Bryant wouldn’t listen to me. He insists that the spalling is just from the structure collapse. He doesn’t believe there is any connection.”

“Let’s talk about this some more. The tow truck is here.” Sean helped Lana out of the car and she smiled up at him.

“I can walk.”

“I know that, but it feels good to touch you.” He watched the smile on her face grow wider.

“You know just what to say, O’Neill.”

He bent down and kissed her on the lips. “I try.”

She went to talk to the tow truck driver.

It didn’t take long for Sean to drive her home. When he pulled up in front of her house, he wasn’t sure whether he should accompany her. If they were still friends…theywerefriends, but if they were stillonlyfriends, he would have just gone in. Now he felt as if he shouldn’t make a move unless she invited him.

Lana got out, and then peered back in when he didn’t open his door.

“Aren’t you coming in? I mean…if you want to.”

“I do. I just…wasn’t sure.”

“Sean, come on.”

She opened the front door and they stepped into her foyer.

Sean said, “How about I give you a bath.”

“Don’t you want to join me?”

“No, I want to pamper you. You’re the one who has been through something.”

“I thought you had lawn work to do today for your father.”

“I never got to it.”


“Other things, plus my mother needed a present for my grandmother’s birthday.”

“So you spent time shopping for your grammy?”

He slapped her on the bottom, and she laughed. “I didn’t mind.”

Jumping forward, she called back, “If you beat me to the bathroom, I won’t rib you anymore about your grammy.”

He surged ahead, bumping into her. But Lana wasn’t one to lose graciously. She pushed and bumped him until they were both laughing like fools. Lana saw her opening and darted into the bathroom just before he did.

“I should have taken you more seriously, especially when I’ve seen what you’re like when we get to a fire, and you want the hose.”

“That’s right, O’Neill. I’m a force to be reckoned with.”