Page 45 of Fighting Fire

“…incompetent,” Sean finished for her. “Go ahead and write me up.”

Bryant didn’t even bother to glance at Sean. “Watch your step, Dempsey.”

Brushing past Sean, he jammed his helmet on his head, cinched the strap beneath his chin, and headed into what was left of the building.

Lana turned to Sean. “How many times…”

“…do you have to tell me to mind my own business?” He pulled off his glove and tilted her chin up. “I’m going to stick up for you because it’s in my nature to do so. If you don’t like it, that’s too bad, Dempsey.” Sean walked past her and entered the building to haul out more debris.

Lana’s irritation with him dissipated. It was strange to see this part of Sean.

She entered the building and watched Bryant half-heartedly poke around the debris. She never once saw him take any soil samples or check any of the concrete. He looked in her direction and she quickly looked away. Inside she was waging a fierce battle. She had to keep her record clean if she was going to become captain. If she so much as took a soil sample to test it and Bryant found out, she’d get reprimanded for sure. But how could she let a potential arsonist get away with destroying property and risking lives and do nothing?

The answer was simple. She couldn’t.

* * *

Back at the station, after her shower, Lana stayed up in the bunkroom while her squad members reheated the lasagna and had a meal. She dialed up Sienna, who answered on the first ring.

“Sienna, it’s Lana.”

“Hey, good to hear from you. I’ve been meaning to call. How goes it with Sean? Did the apology work out?”

Sienna’s concern made Lana’s heart tight. “Yes, it did. Thanks for your advice. Listen, I need you to do something for me.”


“A background check.”

“Unofficially?” Sienna asked, her tone expressionless.

Lana closed her eyes, thinking about the chance she was taking. But she couldn’t ignore her conscience and avoid looking at herself in a mirror every day. If she did nothing about her suspicions and someone died because of it, she’d never forgive herself. “Yes, because if it gets out I’m doing this, my career is toast.”

“Who is it?”

“Dane Bryant.”

Sienna gasped. “Bryant! Are you crazy? Your career will beburnttoastif he gets wind you’re looking into his background.”

“Can you do it discreetly?”

“Yes, you know I will. One of your hunches is worth two of mine.”

After disconnecting from Sienna, she went downstairs, got herself some food and sat down at the table next to Sean. She wasn’t really hungry, but she didn’t want her squad members to notice she was acting any differently.

Sean got up a few minutes later to get more bread.

Pete Meadows took Sean’s vacated seat and sat just a little bit too close. He scooted Sean’s dish over.

She gave him a weak smile and shifted her chair over to give herself more room.

“That was quite a save you had this afternoon at the bridge.”

The roll that Lana had taken a bite of dissolved to ashes in her mouth. Without looking at Pete, she nodded.

“I heard the drop was eighty feet. Would have killed her and the baby, too.”

Lana’s stomach knotted and she toyed with the lasagna on her plate, nodding again.