Page 35 of Fighting Fire

Sean took a deep breath as Lana climaxed. His feelings were overpowering him right now, and he struggled to control the surging, chaotic whirl of his mind and body. He was angry at her, jealous of Pete, furious with Bryant. He wanted to hit something. He wanted to feel the softness of her skin. He wanted to hold her. He wanted to hear her cry his name as she came and came.

He hadn’t meant to kiss her, not when the heart-pumping adrenaline coursed through his veins, not with his hunger riding him relentlessly. He’d meant to yell at her and get all this hurt out of his system before he touched her again, but when she came near him now, he couldn’t think.

He took her mouth again, dragging her back into the maelstrom of his hunger, not easing up his aggressive attack. And she kissed him back as he drew her fast into their passion again, yet not fast enough for his spiraling need.

Angling his mouth across hers, he pulled at her lower lip. She opened her mouth on a gasp and a groan, deepening the kiss, tongue to tongue, caressing the softness of her sweet mouth.

Her reaction spoke for her as she twisted impatiently against him, one knee sliding over his thigh. Cupping her buttocks, he pulled her hips into his rhythm.

This is what he needed. Lana’s fingers in his hair, boldly rubbing his cock through his jeans, jerking at his waistband and working the metal button free. She brushed her knuckles against him, taking him into a mindless, dangerous sensation.

It was as if he didn’t know himself anymore, as if Lana was defining him, bringing out his true nature. He hadn’t known he could feel so much in such a short time.

In her fire, he was a phoenix reborn.

In the fire of their need, their relationship was being forged, changed, remade. He couldn’t say that he didn’t like it. But it terrified him, this uncontrollable feeling he had for Lana.

It wasn’t only the relationship that was changing. When Lana told him about the souvenir, he’d known she thought he’d go along. It was the last straw of a life of acquiescence. Even their previous relationship had been tame because he’d never reached for anything more. He’d always held himself back. Not anymore.

Bracing her knees on either side of him, she reached down to unzip his jeans, but he grabbed her wrists. “No.”

He watched as she stopped abruptly, leaning back. “What…”

“Drive. Now. The sooner you do, the sooner you can slide down on my cock.”

She swallowed and quickly got off his lap. Settling into the driver’s seat, she started the car and put it in gear.

Sean had already buttoned his jeans. “I’ll follow you.”

He got out and went to his car, his body throbbing with a desire so thick he could barely breathe around it. He followed Lana’s taillights all the way to her house.

* * *

It didn’t take them long to get up the walk, and Lana was surprised when Sean took her arm and directed her into the garden past the huge sunflowers and fragrant beds until they were out of sight.

She watched as he jerked off his clothes with hard, effective movements. Lana followed his lead, stepping quickly out of her shoes, unbuttoning the clasp of her jeans.

He unbuckled his belt and kicked off jeans, shoes, socks and underwear. He was ready, naked and waiting while she was starting to unbutton her blouse. Her brown eyes caressed the length of his naked body. He was so beautiful in the moonlight, like a sculpted statue come to life.

She knew the moment when his patience snapped. As he advanced, she smiled coyly and backed away. He kept coming at her until her back hit the side of the bungalow. His hands went to the buttons. In his haste to disrobe her, fabric ripped, and buttons popped.

She gasped and moaned softly as he shoved the torn garment off her shoulders. This close, she could smell his warm, knee-melting scent.

Her hands caught in the still-buttoned cuffs, and he brought them forward and up over her head as he pressed his body against hers.

He nuzzled her breasts, his tongue dipping into her cleavage.

Holding her wrists immobile in one of his big hands, he roughly pulled down one cup of her bra to expose her succulent nipple. With a growl deep in his throat, he took it into his mouth, working it hungrily against his tongue and sucking it. Sensations pounded through her, arrowing into her groin.

“Sean, let go,” she whispered. He did, pulling down her other cup and taking her tantalizing nipple into his mouth.

She freed herself from the ruined blouse. Her slender hands ran down his back, over his buttocks, bringing his shaft against the rough material of her jeans.

He cried out. Cursing, he fumbled with the zipper of her jeans. As soon as the fabric yielded, he slid to his knees, wrenching her jeans down around her ankles. He did the same for the scrap of blue lace covering her sex.

Sean stopped panting. He was shaking, muscles rigid, heart racing. She was overwhelmed with how much he wanted her until it was a hard, spiraling ache inside her. His face was mere inches from the soft curves of her thighs, the tangle of dark curls that hid her sex.

Lana stared down at him. His eyes flared and smoldered, enigmatic in the shadows. Her mouth parted and she licked her dry lips. His eyes were so full of emotion, Lana had to look away.